
  • 网络a new Heaven and a new earth;new heaven and new earth
  1. 第19-22节:天堂的欢乐,魔鬼被扔进一个无底的深渊,一个新天新地。

    Chapter 19-22 : Rejoicing in heaven , the devil thrown into a bottomless pit , a new heaven and new earth .

  2. 终极追求与理想环境:道教洞天福地与基督宗教新天新地之比较他得等着瞧瞧,在这个奥妙无穷的洞天福地里,他究竟能得到多大的好处。

    Ultimate Concern and Ideal Surroundings : Comparison Between Taoist " Abode of the Immortals " and Christian " New Heaven and New Earth " He must wait and see just how much he would make here in this perfectly marvelous realm .

  3. 在新天新地到来的时候。

    When there is a new heaven and a new earth .

  4. 约翰于是看到一个新天新地诞生了。

    John then sees a new heaven and a new earth come into being .

  5. 问题2.为什么新天新地的圣城里不需要太阳来照亮?

    Q. Why is it not necessary for sun and moon to shine on the new Jerusalem ?

  6. 我们放眼四望,但见一派新天新地,生机盎然,变动不居,日新月异。

    We look round in a new world , full of life , and motion , and ceaseless progress .

  7. 可是,我们却按照他的应许,等候正义常住在其中的新天新地。

    But we look for new heavens and a new earth according to his promises , in which justice dwelleth .

  8. 但我们照他的应许,盼望新天新地,有义居在其中。

    Nevertheless we , according to his promise , look for new heavens and a new earth , wherein dwelleth righteousness .

  9. 洪仁批驳了异端杂教之邪说,主张建立一个新天新地新世界新人心的俗厚风淳的社会,并把这一主张付诸实践。

    By criticizing the heresies in religion , Hong Ren-gan holds that a completely new society be established and be improved .

  10. 彼后三13但我们照他的应许,期待新天新地,有义居住在其中。

    Pet . 3:13 But according to His promise we are expecting new heavens and a new earth , in which righteousness dwells .

  11. 主啊,感谢祢应许叫万物更新,又应许在新天新地中与我们同住。

    Lord , we thank you for your promise to make all things new and for the promise to live with us on the new earth .

  12. 看哪,我造新天新地,从前的事不再被记念,也不再追想。

    For , behold , I create new heavens and a new earth : and the former shall not be remembered , nor come into mind .

  13. 启示录则让我们看见基督荣耀的得胜,以及神要进行的审判和带来新天新地。

    The Book of Revelation gives us a vision of the glorious triumph of Christ and tells us how God is going to bring it about .

  14. 1我又看见一个新天新地;因为先前的天地已经过去了,海也不再有了。

    And I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away ; and there was no more sea .

  15. 耶和华说,我所要造的新天新地,怎样在我面前长存,你们的后裔和你们的名字,也必照样长存。

    For as the new heavens and the new earth , which I will make , shall remain before me , saith the LORD , so shall your seed and your name remain .

  16. 我恐怕我们有太多的人正心安理得地看着宗教的手指,而不是看着宗教所指的地方。终极追求与理想环境:道教洞天福地与基督宗教新天新地之比较

    Too many of us , I fear , watch the pointing finger of religion for comfort , instead of looking where it points . Ultimate Concern and Ideal Surroundings : Comparison Between Taoist " Abode of the Immortals " and Christian " New Heaven and New Earth "