
  • 网络Ezekiel;Dhul-kifl
  1. 正如以西结所说:轮中之轮。

    Like Ezekiel says : 'Wheel within a wheel .

  2. 《圣经》中以西结的诗歌创作探要

    Approach the Poetic Creation by Ezekiel in Bible

  3. 神呼召以西结作祂的代言人回答这个问题。

    God called Ezekiel as His spokesman to answer that question .

  4. 他还说贪婪就与拜偶像一样(以西结书3:5)。

    He also says that covetousness is idolatry ( Colossians 3:5 ) .

  5. 以西结吃神所赐书卷,并将其中的话告诉以色列人。

    That Ezekiel had to eat and tell his people what was on it .

  6. 上帝告诉以西结,那是他喜悦的子民所居地。

    God told Ezekiel it was where his people that he loved were at .

  7. 以西结用什麽来比喻犹大与上帝间的盟誓关系?

    What parable is used by Ezekiel to describe the covenant relationship between Jehovah and Juda ?

  8. 以西结所见的异象中的水,起初是由殿门的门坎下流出来的。

    The waters in Ezekiel 's vision first of all oozed from under the doors of the temple .

  9. 以西结依照神的吩咐去做,散开的骸骨便开始连接起来。

    As Ezekiel did what God told him to do and say , the bones started to come together .

  10. 以西结是《圣经》中古代以色列的著名先知诗人。

    Ezekiel was a well known poet of foresight of Israel in the middle ancient times recorded in Bible .

  11. 神向以西结启示的异象,今天能否同样激发我们醒悟到,神仍在掌管一切?

    Can we share today in the vision which came to Ezekiel , declaring that God is still in control ?

  12. 举个例子,任何人想要从过去找到些什么,就去读圣经中的以西结书。

    As an example , anyone who wants to find something from the past , read Ezekiel in the Bible .

  13. 以西结的预言戏剧性的迹象使用情况,他神圣的集体惩罚和个人责任的断言拒绝进行了讨论。

    Ezekiel 's use of dramatic prophetic signs , his rejection of collective divine punishment and assertion of individual responsibility are discussed .

  14. 你是否能尝试画出以西结所见的四活物与四轮的异象?

    Can you try to draw a picture about the vision of four living creatures and four wheels as seen by Ezekiel ?

  15. 三兄弟中最年长的是医学伦理学家且担任宾夕法尼亚大学校长的以西结,他同时也是这本回忆录的作者。

    The eldest is Ezekiel , a medical ethicist and vice-provost at the University of Pennsylvania , and the author of this memoir .

  16. 他的军队彻底摧毁城中剩馀的一切,把石头扔进大海之中;以西结的预言便照著字面如实应验。

    His troops demolished what was left of the city and threw the stones into the ocean , thus fulfilling Ezekiel 's prophecy literally .

  17. 上帝回应以西结的祷告说:「我要使他们顺服我的律例,遵行我的典章。」

    " And to Ezekiel He had spoken : " I will cause them to walk in My statutes , and ye shall keep My judgments .

  18. 以西结书17:8这树栽于肥田多水的旁边、生枝子、果子、为佳美的葡萄树。

    Ez . 17:8 It had been planted in good soil by abundant water so that it would produce branches , bear fruit and become a splendid vine .

  19. 拉姆在三兄弟里排行第二。三兄弟中最年长的是医学伦理学家且担任宾夕法尼亚大学校长的以西结,他同时也是这本回忆录的作者。

    Rahm is the middle sibling . The eldest is Ezekiel , a medical ethicist and vice-provost at the University of Pennsylvania , and the author of this memoir .

  20. 接著,神的灵进入他里面(二2)。神的灵是他的得力源头;神的灵也将神的信息传给以西结。

    Next , the Spirit of God came upon him . ( 2:2 ) The Spirit of God was his source of strength and the communicator of God 's message to Ezekiel .

  21. 就如中保,在最后的晚餐里他赐给门徒立新约的伟大应许,也要给他们以西结所预言圣灵的恩赐。

    It was as Mediator , in the night of the Last Supper , that He gave His disciples the great promise of a New Covenant the gift of the Holy Ghost as prophesied by Ezekiel .

  22. 在做完这幅围城的景象之后,以西结再以另一个令人心碎的象征性行动,来说明围城的时间(4至8节)和城内的恐怖状况(9至17节)。

    This picture of a besieged city was followed by heart breaking symbols of both the length of the siege ( vv . 4-8 ) and the dreadful conditions inside the city ( vv . 9-17 ) .

  23. 当那日,我必使以色列家的角发生,又必使你以西结在他们中间得以开口。他们就知道我是耶和华。

    In that day I will make a horn put out buds for the children of israel , and I will let your words come freely among them , and they will be certain that I am the lord .

  24. 在迦勒底人之地,迦巴鲁河边,耶和华的话特特临到布西的儿子祭司以西结。耶和华的灵(原文作手)降在他身上。

    The word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest , the son of Buzi , in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar ; and the hand of the LORD was there upon him .

  25. 我对恶人说,恶人哪,你必要死。你以西结若不开口警戒恶人,使他离开所行的道,这恶人必死在罪孽之中,我却要向你讨他丧命的罪。

    When I say to the evil-doer , death will certainly overtake you ; and you say nothing to make clear to the evil-doer the danger of his way ; death will overtake that evil man in his evil-doing , but I will make you responsible for his blood .

  26. 当三十年四月初五日,以西结在迦巴鲁河边被掳的人中,天就开了,得见神的异象。

    Now it came about in the thirtieth year , in the fourth month , on the fifth day of the month , while I was by the river Chebar among those who had been made prisoners , that the heavens were made open and I saw visions of god .