
  • 网络A people-oriented enterprise;THE INDIVIDUALIZED CORPORATION
  1. 成功企业的企业文化都奉行以人为本的企业价值观。

    The successful enterprises advocate the human - oriented enterprise value .

  2. 以人为本的企业安全文化建设途径

    Approach of enterprise safe culture on people orientation

  3. 树立以人为本的企业伦理价值观。

    Sets up the humanist enterprise ethics values .

  4. 新型的薪酬管理体系是以人为本的企业管理制度的重要部分。

    New-style compensation management system is the main section in people oriented enterprise management system .

  5. 建设以人为本的企业信息文化研究

    On Cultivating Enterprise Information Culture of Employee-Orientation

  6. SA8000:基于以人为本的企业文化再造

    SA8000 : Human-oriented Corporate Culturing Rebuilding

  7. 是以人为本的企业目标与个人目标的完美结合;

    Is the business enterprise target for make people the center with personal target of perfect combine ;

  8. 第二、全面坚持和推行以人为本的企业文化理念,克服企业文化建设过程中过于强调集体精神而忽视个人发展的不足;

    Second , to insist in ' people oriented ' idea , to overcome the deficiency in individual development .

  9. 在以人为本的企业理念的指导下,企业必然会从对物的管理转移到对人的管理上。

    In the guidance of people-oriented corporate philosophy , the enterprise must be transfer the management content from stuff to people .

  10. 诺曼系列产品崇尚以人为本的企业精神,致力于不断开发和生产新世纪环保型系列产品。

    Nuoman series products advocate the enterprise spirit of human oriented and commit itself to continuous developing and producing new century environment-friendly series products .

  11. 其次,对以人为本的企业财务文化的概念、涵义进行了探讨,并基于文化视角和财务视角对以人为本的企业财务文化加以分类,提出以人为本企业财务文化建设内容。

    Secondly , the conception and meaning of people-oriented enterprise financial culture are discussed , and so its classification from culture and finance perspective and construction content .

  12. 总之,构建以人为本的企业文化何以可能,如何可能?本文试图给出一个肯定的答案和实现的路径。

    So building a " people-oriented " enterprise culture is possible , how likely ? This paper attempts to give an affirmative answer and the realization path .

  13. 企业要想在世界经济主战场中立于不败之地,必须大力加强以人为本的企业文化建设。

    If one enterprise wants to be successful in the main battlefield of world economy , it must strengthen the construction of its culture based on human beings .

  14. 以人为本的企业文化对企业管理的作用,大家是有目共睹的,它从人的角度出发对企业管理提出了思考。

    The function of Humanist corporate culture to business management is obvious to all , which interest people to start research on business management from the aspect of human .

  15. 以人为本的企业文化是管理制度体现人在企业生产经营活动中的主体地位;

    The corporate culture of make people the center is the management system body the person produces to conduct the corpus position in the activity in the business enterprise now ;

  16. 设计以人为本的企业财务报告,关键在于发展人本会计,提出了构建包括资产权益表、增值表和企业社会责任报告等在内的以人为本财务报告体系。

    The key of people-oriented financial report design is to develop people-oriented accounting . People-oriented financial report system including asset-equity sheet , added value statement and CSR report is designed .

  17. 第四,借鉴沃尔玛的成功经验,建立起以人为本的企业文化是提高零售企业软实力的重要途径。

    Fourthly , from the successful experience of Wal-Mart , we know that to establish the " people-oriented " enterprise culture is an important way to improve the competitiveness of the retail business .

  18. 以人为本的企业收益分配应贯彻成本补偿原则和利润分享原则,探讨了当前我国企业收益分配存在的两大误区以及资本参与收益分配的基本框架。

    People-oriented distribution of income should be accord with cost compensation principle and profit sharing principle . Two wrong regions of enterprise income distribution in China and basic framework of capital participating income distribution are discussed .

  19. 本文提出以人为本的企业财务绩效评价原则包括合法性原则、公平性原则和卡尔多-希克斯改进原则,是在反思传统财务分析评价弊端的基础上提出的,具有理论创新性和实践指导性。

    The principle of legality , equality and Kaldor-Hicks improvement in people-oriented enterprise financial performance evaluation are put forward on the basis of traditional financial analysis insufficient introspection and thus has theory innovation and practice guidance .

  20. 本文探讨了以人为本的企业文化基本模式、功能及其运行机制,比较了它与一般企业文化的主要区别,指出了它以意义人假设作为自己的人性论前提。

    This paper discusses the main patterns of the human-oriented corporate culture , its function and mechanism , compares it with the ordinary corporate culture and points out that ' meaning man ' is its prerequisite .

  21. 工作满意度和组织承诺是现阶段倡导以人为本的企业所关注的热点之一,研究工作满意度和组织承诺对于管理理论的发展和企业的高效管理均有重要的意义。

    The job satisfaction and the organizational commitment is one of hot topics which many enterprises who advocate the human-oriented point attach attention , it has an important meaning for theories ' development and enterprise management to research the job satisfaction and the organizational commitment .

  22. 依据战略方案组合制定出具体的发展战略的实施策略:首先是专业化发展成就企业核心竞争力;其次是人性化管理造就以人为本的企业文化;最后是改进服务质量,增强顾客满意度。

    Develop a specific implementation strategy of the development strategy based on combination of strategic programs . Firstly , specialization development achievements core competitiveness of enterprise ; humane management created a people-oriented corporate culture ; lastly , to improve service quality , and enhance customer satisfaction .

  23. 试论以人为本的社会主义企业管理理论

    An Exploration into the People-Oriented Management Theory of the Socialism Business

  24. 而以人为本的石油企业文化理念的集中体现就是企业保障制度。

    And the petroleum enterprise culture of people-oriented focus on the enterprise security system .

  25. 全球竞争时代,建立“以人为本”的企业文化对企业发展至关重要。

    In the era of global competition , building a type of enterprise culture characterized with human in focus is extremely significant to the development of a company .

  26. 主要是从提高邮政企业管理者的人文素质、优化邮政企业文化建设的人文环境和强化以人为本的邮政企业制度建设等三个方面具体展开。

    The first way is to improve the human qualities of the postal business managers ; the second way is to optimize the postal building of enterprise culture of the human environment and the third way is to strengthen the system construction of people-oriented in postal enterprise .

  27. 阐述了建设工程投资管理工作的重要性,论述了以人为本的管理是企业管理的核心。

    The importance of investment management work in construction project is elaborated .

  28. 企业文化是以人为本的新的企业管理理论和管理方法,是推进企业发展的企业文化力,它对企业的管理体制、决策指导思想、经营战略、管理方式等都有重要影响。

    Being the new people-oriented management theories and methods , the corporate culture is the " corporate culture power " which promotes the corporate and imposes great influence on its management system , decision-making principles , operation strategies , management methods .

  29. 以人为本的投资&论企业的员工培训

    Human-centered investmet & Enterprise 's personnel training

  30. 公司一贯坚持:以人为本,诚信敬业的企业精神。

    The company all along persists : " By artificial this , good faith respect industry " enterprise spirit .