
  • 网络Esther;Ester
  1. 西德尼和以斯帖正在规划一顿12个人的圣诞大餐。

    Sidney and Esther are planning a Christmas lunch for12 people .

  2. 凡看见以斯帖的都喜悦她。

    And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her .

  3. 这个以斯帖比瓦实提更加不尊重您。

    This Esther has dishonored you more than Vashti ever could .

  4. 以斯帖就吩咐人回报末底改说。

    Then Esther sent them back to Mordecai with this answer .

  5. 以斯帖派末底改管理哈曼的家产。

    And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman .

  6. 于是末底改照以斯帖一切所吩咐的去行。

    So Mordecai went away and did everything as Esther had said .

  7. 以斯帖:别说这个,你还负责往火鸡里填料吗?

    Esther : Don 't remind me ! Will you do the stuffing ?

  8. 以斯帖:我们需要只大火鸡。

    Esther : We 'll need a big bird .

  9. 以斯帖:我也需要你帮着端茶倒水。

    Esther : And I need you to serve the drink , too .

  10. 你可以看看圣经人物的例子,例如大卫、摩西、路得、或以斯帖。

    Think about biblical characters like David or Moses or Ruth or Esther .

  11. 人就把以斯帖这话告诉末底改。

    And they said these words to mordecai .

  12. 1王和哈曼进去,与王后以斯帖一同宴饮。

    So the king and Haman went in to feast with Esther the queen .

  13. 王后以斯帖啊,你一定有所求?

    Why have you come , Queen Esther ? You must have some request ?

  14. 国王带着哈曼来赴王后以斯帖的筵席。

    So the king and Haman came to take wine with Esther the queen .

  15. 以斯帖则是嫁给外邦人的犹太女子,并因此救了她的民族。

    Esther was a Jew who married a Gentile and saved her own nation .

  16. 以斯帖的波斯名字是。

    The Persian name for Esther was Hadassah .

  17. 王后以斯帖听闻末底改的哀恸,却不明所以。

    When Queen Esther heard of Mordecai 's condition , she couldn 't understand it .

  18. 以斯帖:需要只大火鸡。这周我最好就订一只。

    Esther : We'llneed a big bird . I 'd better order it this week .

  19. 以斯帖是个很好的巴比伦人名。

    Esther is a good Babylonian name .

  20. 于是王带着哈曼赴以斯帖所预备的筵席。

    So the king and Haman came to the feast which Esther had made ready .

  21. 在席间,王再问以斯帖实在想要甚麽。

    Then at the banquet table , the king asks Esther again what she really wants .

  22. 过了一会,他从御园回来,却看见哈曼求以斯帖救命。

    In a few minutes he returned , only to find Haman begging Esther for his life .

  23. 末底改也来到王面前,因为以斯帖已经把末底改是她什么亲属,告诉了王。

    And Mordecai came before the king , for Esther had disclosed what he was to her .

  24. 以斯帖的意思是金星。她的波斯名字的意思是桃金娘。

    Esther in Hebrew means : The planet Venus and her Persian name Hadassah means : Myrtle .

  25. 还有什么比以斯帖面对邪恶的君王时更具戏剧性的场面呢?

    Could there be anything more dramatic than the scene in which Esther stands before her wicked lord ?

  26. 我们不知道以斯帖排在名单的第几位,但她最终赢得比赛。

    We don 't know where Esther stood in the list of127 , but she won the contest .

  27. 以斯帖命定守普珥日。这事也记录在书上。

    Esther 's decree confirmed these regulations about purim , and it was written down in the records .

  28. 当日,亚哈随鲁王把犹大人仇敌哈曼的家产,赐给王后以斯帖。

    That same day King Xerxes gave Queen Esther the estate of Haman , the enemy of the Jews .

  29. 以斯帖未曾将籍贯宗族告诉人,因为末底改嘱咐她不可叫人知道。

    Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background , because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so .

  30. 在极其率真而朴素的《以斯帖记》中,你会发现某种令人震撼的情节。

    There is something impressive , awful , in the simplicity and terrible directness of the book of Esther .