
yì zú tōnɡ hūn
  • mixed marriages;intermarriage;exogamy
  1. 这样,人口普查局就能够更好地了解美国异族通婚的广度。

    As a result , the Census Bureau should obtain a better picture of the extent of intermarriage in the United States .

  2. 但是目前为止,一般主要的原因似乎还是在于黑人女性仍然将异族通婚等同于种族背叛。

    But by far the most common reason seems to be that black women still regard intermarriage as tantamount to betraying the race .

  3. 两千年来,异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌。

    For two millennia , exogamy was a major Transgression for jews .

  4. 他有著异族通婚的父母,一半荷兰一半英国。

    He is of mixed parentage : half Dutch , half English .

  5. 约60年前,异族通婚还是违法的。

    Around 60 years ago , it was illegal to marry interracially .

  6. 你认为异族通婚,会有格格不入的问题吗?

    Do you think interracial marriages may have fish-out-of-water problems ?

  7. 1967年,尽管美国还有16个州禁止异族通婚,但是人们的态度却在悄悄改变着。

    In 1967 , 16 states still had laws against interracial marriage , but attitudes were changing .

  8. 异族通婚:同外部部落,家庭,部族或其他社会单元通婚的风俗。

    Exogamy : the custom of marrying outside the tribe , family , clan , or other social unit .

  9. 一个异族通婚的父系氏族②异族通婚明显增高,尤其是青年一代;

    An exogamous patrilineal clan . ② The marriage rate between Hezhen and other nationality increased especially in the youth .

  10. 此外,人类人口中如今经常出现的异族通婚也对进化造成了阻碍。

    In addition , human populations are now being constantly mixed , again producing a blending that blocks evolutionary change .

  11. 在异族通婚的家庭中,族裔因素和文化冲突带来了文化同化和归属感消退等问题。

    The ethnic elements and cultural contradictions revealed in the works bring forward the question of cultural assimilation and declining sense of ascription .

  12. 但是赫本和特雷西扮演的父母的却必须得面对现实,因为这个小伙子是黑人,而当时异族通婚不为人所接受。

    But parents Hepburn and Tracy must deal with the fact he is black at a time when interracial marriages were frowned on .

  13. 说起来很讽刺:据数据统计,黑人男性对于同其他种族的人结婚更加开放,超过五分之一的人都会异族通婚。

    This is ironic , because black men are statistically very open to marrying outside their race & more than one in five does .

  14. 岛屿之间的距离并不远,海洋也平静,但人们更喜欢与自己的同类在一起,异族通婚很少见。

    Distances between the islands are not great and the sea is calm but people prefer to stick with their own kind and mixed marriages are rare .

  15. 据他和其他研究人员估计在第三代拉美裔和亚裔美国人中至少有50%与异族通婚。

    Among third-generation Hispanic and Asian Americans , exogamy marriage outside one 's ethnic group or tribe is at least 50 percent , he and others estimate .

  16. 在60年代的加州出现了异族通婚,但其他地区却不允许异族婚姻,这非常棘手。

    In the 60s , marriages were happening in California.In the rest of the country there were no interracial marriages . I mean , it was very difficult .

  17. 这一制度将种族歧视列入法律,禁止异族通婚,规定种族分居,并要求所有南非人进行种族登记。

    The system made racial distinctions into law , forbidding interracial relationships , mandating that the races live apart , and requiring that all South Africans be registered by race .

  18. 或许你也有时会偶尔遇到一两个看低异族通婚的家伙们,不过我还是要说,我们可是爱情的结晶。

    You might run into one or two of those types that don 't hold with mixed marriages , but I have to say again : we 're the children of love .

  19. 结论部分探讨华人就业状况对其美国化的影响,具体表现在居住空间的郊区化、参政意识的增强和异族通婚的增长等方面。

    The conclusion part explores the effect of the employment of Chinese Americans to their Americanization such as suburbanization , the heightening of political consciousness and the increasing rate of intermarrying with other ethnics .

  20. 她被允许每年搞一个起诉下院议员活动,因此她将尝试单独地废除禁止异族通婚法案,或提议一项黑人最低工资制。

    She was allowed to bring one Private Member 's Motion a year , so she would try single-handedly to repeal the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act , or propose a minimum wage for blacks .

  21. 一个显而易见的标志就是异族通婚的程度:英国出生的孟加拉裔和巴基斯坦裔男子现在有五分之一娶了白人妻子,英国出生的婴儿有五分之一父母一方是非洲裔加勒比人另一方是白种人。

    One crude indicator is the level of mixed-race marriage : one in five Bangladeshi and Pakistani men born in Britain now has a white wife , and one in five babies born in Britain has one Afro-Caribbean and one white parent .

  22. 新移民文学经常关涉婚姻对人的束缚;华裔家庭由于异族通婚的可能性较大,文化冲突的尖锐性就更明显,华裔遇到的文化身份认同更加模棱两可。

    The new literature of immigration is often concerned with the shackles of marriage ; Chinese family due to the possibility of intermarriage , the sharp cultural conflict is even more obvious , the cultural identity of ethnic Chinese encountered more ambiguous .

  23. 异族的通婚已越来越被接受.他俩结婚的消息使我十分诧异。

    Interracial marriages are becoming more accepted . The news of their marriage threw me for a loop .

  24. 通过与异族人草率的通婚,年轻人逐渐到附近的城市生活,海边的部落也面临着传统文化被颠覆、首领乏力这样丧根断种的问题。

    Diluted by intermarriage and drained of young people by nearby cities , the coastal tribes were also subjected to " termination " programmes designed to break their traditional culture and leadership .

  25. 即使是现在,异族男女之间的婚姻仍然面临着重重阻碍,包括限制异族通婚的法律。

    Even now , mixed couples face many obstacles , including laws restricting interracial marriage .