- 网络Ephesians;eph

Another major difference is Colossians and Ephesians have a slightly higher Christology .
Already in Colossians and Ephesians they set up the household in a clear hierarchical patriarchal situation .
The writer to Ephesians condemns that kind of language .
Why does Colossians come after Ephesians in the Canon ?
The two that are the most debated probably now are Colossians and Ephesians .
This has led some scholars to say maybe Ephesians was written as a circular letter .
To husbands , fathers , children and servants , in the Epistle to the Ephesians ;
The next preaching series is the book of Ephesians . Please read the book once .
Eph4:2 Be completely humble and gentle ; be patient , bearing with one another in love .
Be angry but do not sin ; do not let the sun go down on your anger .
Number one ,; I said Colossians and Ephesians both have realized eschatology ; Paul has reserved eschatology .
And Ephesians is written by another disciple of Paul using Colossians and Paul 's letters as models .
Why do I say that Ephesians was written by a different author and not simply the same author ?
They 're using theology from Ephesians perhaps , or from Colossians but it doesn 't really fit Paul 's theology .
Why do I say that Colossians and Ephesians were not written by Paul but by a disciple of Paul later ?
Another interesting thing is we don 't really know whether the letter to the Ephesians was written to the Ephesians .
If you noticed the Colossians sentence was long but it was not nearly as elaborate as that Ephesians sentence , right ?
That 's not the way it is in Colossians and Ephesians where it 's much more hierarchical , much more patriarchal .
Other people could say , well there 's also the vocabulary , the vocabulary is quite a bit different in Colossians and Ephesians .
The Bible also tells us that " Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her . "( Eph . 5:25B NIV ) .
In that period Paul must have received several special revelations , including the doctrine of the church as it is found in his epistles especially Ephesians .
Why not memorize Ephesians 1 : 11 and Romans 8 : 28 to help you remember to trust the Lord Jesus even when you don 't understand .
Remember how I even talked about with Colossians and Ephesians last time , you had this idea that they almost sound like the resurrection has already taken place .
So Paul seems to hold what we would call almost a subordinationist form of Christology , whereas Colossians and Ephesians tend to have Christ as more fully God .
Of course Colossians doesn 't come before Ephesians even though I 'm saying it was written before it , and why does Colossians come after Ephesians in the Canon ?
If you get Ephesians you have this long , long , long sentence that is longer than the similar sentence in Colossians but seems to borrow some from it .
In Ephesians , the eleventh chapter of Ephesians , the letter not of Paul to the Ephesians but the letter of Ignatius to the Ephesians , he talks about his chains as pearls .
In describing the results of the efforts of " pastors and teachers ," Paul says their purpose is to equip " the saints for the work of ministry "( Eph . 4:12 ) .
One of the things is that we think that Ephesians may have been a circular letter because of this idea that not all the Greek manuscripts have Ephesians and some have other things .
It 's almost as if the eschatological timeline , the axis in Paul 's letter , has been just flipped up like this in Colossians and Ephesians , so that 's one major difference .