
  • 网络the fruit of the Spirit
  1. 你或许可以考虑从'圣灵的果子'或登山宝训的'八福'品德开始。

    You might begin with the fruit of the Spirit or the Beatitudes .

  2. 我们不可将圣灵的果子与圣灵的恩赐互相混淆。

    The fruit of the Spirit must not be confused with these gifts .

  3. 要拥有圣灵的果子就是要像基督。

    To have the fruit of the Spirit is to be like Christ .

  4. 这也是圣灵的果子。

    This is the fruit of the spirit .

  5. 这就是圣灵的果子。

    This was the fruit of the Spirit .

  6. 圣灵的果子,就是在我们身上可以见到的基督的品格。

    The fruit of the Spirit is really the character of Christ being seen in us .

  7. 现在让我们思想最后两个圣灵的果子:信实与节制。

    Let us pause a while on the two last fruits of the Spirit & Faith and Temperance .

  8. 目标:帮助人过有纪律的生活,遵从上帝的话,结出圣灵的果子。

    The goal : that men and women live disciplined lives , obey God 's Word , and bear the fruit of the Spirit .

  9. 此乃深深根植于上帝的爱,然后再结出圣灵的果子,继而向弟兄姐妹们显出爱来。

    Faith always comes first ; it roots itself deeply in the love of God , and bears fruit in love to the brethren .

  10. 假如我们能常在上帝面前默念圣灵的果子,并求上帝赏赐这些圣德给我们,我们的信心就会逐日加增。

    It will help to strengthen our faith if we repeat the text of Gal.v.22 , asking God to grant these fruits in our lives .

  11. 他希望以圣灵的九棵果子当主题,做一系列的枕头套。

    The customer wanted to use the9 fruits of the Holy Spirit as a theme for a set of pillow covers .

  12. 主神啊,求祢叫圣灵充满我们,帮助我们在生活上结出圣灵的果子。

    Lord God , please fill us with your Holy Spirit and help us to show in our lives the fruit of the Spirit .