
  • 网络St James's Palace;St. James's Palace;Court of St. James's
  1. 不过乔治王子将会在下周三,于圣詹姆士宫皇家礼拜堂为他举行的受洗仪式中亮相。

    He will , however , be seen at his christening which takes place at The Chapel Royal in St James 's Palace on Wednesday next week .

  2. 圣詹姆士宫宣布,威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿在六月底进行首次婚后海外旅行,出访加拿大。

    Prince William and Kate Middleton will make their first official overseas trip as a married couple to Canada in late June , St James 's Palace has said .