
  1. 无我之境,即是以物观物,不带入个人情感,做到静观默照。

    Two , without my habitat , namely is to observe things , not to individual emotion , do wait silent illumination .

  2. 以物观物的美感经验分析,对道家美学以及中国山水诗的新发现具有开拓性的意义。

    Aesthetic experience analysis of " Observing the physical world to the materials " has the pioneering significance on new discoveries about the Taoist aesthetics and Chinese landscape poetry .

  3. 叶维廉对道家美学的现代阐释包括三个方面:一、以以物观物概括中国诗学的美感经验及其中国美学的风范;

    Wai-Lim Yip 's Modern Interpretation on the Taoist School includes three aspect .