
  • 网络Education in Israel
  1. 从以色列图书馆教育的历史和现状出发,展望其图书情报学教育的未来。

    Looks to the future of library science education in Israeli on the basis of its history and status - quo .

  2. 认为以色列通过教育立法,加强少数族裔集体认同,重点建设教师队伍与不断增加对教育的投入促进以色列现代教育的发展。

    Through the legislation of education , the collective identity of ethnic minorities and the investment of education , this promotes the development of education in modern Israel .

  3. 两年后,希拉里跟我说了一个以色列的学前教育项目,叫做HIPPY(“学龄前儿童家庭教育项目”HomeInstructionProgramforPreschoolYoungsters)。

    Now two years later , Hillary told me about a preschool program developed in Israel called HIPPY , Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters .

  4. 以色列发展特殊教育的经验

    The Experience on the Development of Special Education in Israel

  5. 以色列中小学教育投资研究

    A Study on the Investment in Primary and Secondary Education in Israel

  6. 第一部分回顾了1948年以色列建国以来教育的发展概况。

    The first part recalls the education development when Israel founded in 1948 .

  7. 自1948年犹太人复国后,历届以色列政府对教育十分重视,并在短短数十年间综合国力跻身于世界前列。

    Since the resumption of the Jewish State in 1948 , the previous Israeli government attaches great importance to education , and in just a few decades one of the comprehensive national strength in the world .

  8. 以色列学生除了学前教育之外至少要接受十年的教育。

    Israeli students are required to attend at least ten years of school , in addition to preschool .

  9. 以色列外交部官员哈盖·夏格利尔表示,这部纪录片也反映了两国的文化差异。他认为中国和以色列可以在教育体系方面相互学习。

    An official with Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Hagai Shagrir , observed that the documentary also reflects the cultural differences between the two countries . He said China and Israel can learn from ' s education system .