
  1. 道路是艰难的,但目标明确一个安全的、以色列犹太国家与一个独立的、繁荣的巴勒斯坦。

    The road is hard , but the destination is clear & a secure , Jewish state of Israel and an independent , prosperous Palestine .

  2. 巴拉克在记者会上曾经暗示,以色列这个犹太国家准备对伊朗的核设施发动先发制人的攻击。

    At a news conference , Mr. Barak indicated the Jewish state is prepared to launch a preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities .

  3. 但是自2005年伊朗总统威胁要把以色列这个犹太国家“从地图上抹掉”以来,以色列对伊朗的意图越来越警觉了。

    But Israel has grown increasingly alarmed about Iran 's intentions since 2005 , when the Iranian president threatened to wipe the Jewish state " off the map . "

  4. 伊朗总统威胁要把以色列这个犹太国家从地图上“清除”,以色列官员多次警告他们决不允许伊朗取得核武器。

    With Iran 's president threatening to wipe the Jewish state " off the map , " Israeli officials have warned time and again that they will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons .

  5. 他要求巴勒斯坦人必须首先承认以色列是一个犹太国家,而巴勒斯坦人对此拒绝承认。

    He demanded that first , the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state , something they refuse to do .

  6. 我已阐明,美国绝不会在我们对以色列安全的承诺上以及我们对以色列作为一个犹太国家而存在的支持上妥协让步。

    Ive made it clear that the United States will never compromise our commitment to Israels security , nor our support for its existence as a Jewish state .