
yǐ dōnɡ
  • 语素to the east of...
  1. 马戏团在皇家新月以东约200米处。

    The Circus is about 200 meters to the east of the Royal Crescent .

  2. 湖北省112°E以东的平原、丘陵地区,是粮食的主要产地。

    The plain and hill to the east of 112 ° E in Hubei is the main food grain region of This province .

  3. 埃及似乎已经在苏伊士运河以东五英里处建立起一条连续不断的防线。

    Egypt seemed to have established an unbroken line about five miles across the Suez canal .

  4. 如果钓到的大鱼制成鱼干,浙江以东到苍梧山以北的人都能饱餐一顿。

    If the fish were made into dried fish , it would be enough for all the people east of Zhejiang province and north of Cangwu Mountain to have a good meal .

  5. 在北京以东的沙质平原上,“星耀五洲”(theworld)项目陷于困境。

    On the sandy plains east of Beijing , the world is in trouble .

  6. 金川F(17)以东矿山采准方案选择

    Mine Development Plan Selection at the East of F_ ( 17 ) in Jinchuan

  7. 金川矿区F(17)以东机械化盘区采场结构优化

    Structure Optimization of Mechanized Panel Stope at the East of F_ ( 17 ) of Jinchuan Mining Area

  8. 珠江口以东陆架沉积物U、Th的分布

    Geochemical studies on u and th in sediments from the continental shelf east of the Pearl River mouth

  9. 在去年12月的一场天才争夺战中,他选择加盟位于帕洛阿尔托以东10英里的Facebook,帮助其设计社交广告。

    In a master talent grab last December , Facebook lured him 10 miles east to Palo Alto to help design social advertisements .

  10. 斜压Rossby波与台湾以东黑潮

    Baroclinic Rossby Wave and the Kuroshio East of Taiwan

  11. 当菲律宾群岛以东洋面上空的反气旋环流中心西移稳定至130°-145°E这一区域后,非绝热加热的垂直变化对该环流中心的维持及消亡起主要作用。

    After the anti-cyclonic center to the east of the Philippines moves to130 ° - 145 ° E , diabatic heating vertical change plays a major role in its maintenance .

  12. 其影响范围仅限于东北和华北块体,影响较大的是120°E以东和40°N以北地区。

    The affected areas are only limited in the Northeast China and North China , especially the areas to the east of 120 ° E and to the north of 40 ° N.

  13. 黑潮在台湾岛东南通过冷涡C1以东海域,然后作气旋式弯曲。

    The Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows east of a cold eddy C1.then it makes a cyclonic meander .

  14. 在大约111°E线附近有一条温度变化的分界线,此线以东气温变化是冬暖夏凉型,此线以西的大部分地区气温变化是四季降温型。

    There was a demarcation line of air temperature change near 111 ° E. Air temperature was getting warmer in winter and is getting cooler in summer on the east of the line .

  15. 结果表明:中北太平洋西部(T区)和日本以东洋面(R区)当年春季热通量的异常分布形势是长江中下游夏季旱涝的一个前期讯号。

    Results show that the heat flux anomalous mode in the T and R areas in the preceding spring is a presage for the summer rain anomaly in the mid-and low-reaches of Yangtze River .

  16. 今年秋天,阿卡迪亚国家公园(AcadiaNationalPark)在缅因的斯库迪克半岛开设了一个新的露营地,就在公园最受欢迎的芒特迪瑟特岛(MountDesertIsland)以东。

    Acadia National Park is to begin managing a new campground on Maine 's Schoodic Peninsula this fall , just east of its popular neighbor , Mount Desert Island .

  17. 这座小钢铁厂坐落于北京以东的唐山郊区,它利用廉价钢锭进行简单加工,从而生产出又长又薄的建筑用H型钢。

    On the outskirts of Tangshan , east of Beijing , the small plant is a primitive operation that takes cheap steel slabs and turns them into H-bars long , thin rods used in construction .

  18. 本文在假定地球介质为粘弹性的基础上,测定和分析了东经103°以东的甘肃地区和宁夏西海固地区的介质品质因子Q值,由(?)和(?)

    This paper determines and analyses crust medium quality factor , Q value , in the eastern Gansu area and Xiji-Haiyuan-Guyuan area of Ningxia , assuming that crust medium is visco-elastie .

  19. 棉兰老岛以东反气旋涡的Argo观测研究

    A study on an anticyclonic eddy east of Mindanao observed by an Argo profiling float

  20. 气压的升降在该区并非一致,其中国海域及赤道太平洋海面气压呈上升趋势,而在140°E以东,20°N以北区域海面气压为下降趋势。

    The pressure is on an increase in the Chine Sea and tropical Pacific whereas in the area to the east of 140 ° E and north of 20 ° N it is on a decrease .

  21. 斜压Rossby波与台湾以东黑潮纵波斜射探头检测厚壁高压无缝钢管

    Baroclinic Rossby Wave and the Kuroshio East of Taiwan ; Longitudinal Wave Oblique Incidence Probe to Detect High Pressure Seamless Tube

  22. 暖池全域、西部(160°E以西部分)和东部(180°E以东部分)热含量的年际变化存在较明显的差异;

    The interannual variations of the heat contents are more evidently different between the whole area , western part ( west of 160 ° E ) and eastern part ( east of 180 °) of the Warm Pool ;

  23. 2003年世界LPG价格处于高位振荡,苏伊士以东出现供应短缺,人均年消费量达到约13千克。

    The global LPG price fluctuated at a high level in 2003 . The shortage in supply appeared east of the Suez with the annual per-capita consumption reaching 13 kilograms .

  24. 渔获物重量组成存在海域差异,在162°E以东海域鲣鱼比例高于以西海域,黄鳍金枪鱼则是在162°E以西海域的比例较高。

    The catch weight was different in various sea areas , the proportion of skipjack tuna in the sea area east of 162 ° E was higher than that west of 162 ° E , while yellowfin tuna was contrary to skipjack tuna .

  25. 现在Menin路以东三英里处

    At the moment bivouacked 3 miles to the east of the Menin Road .

  26. 南海中部,越南以东海域出现由暖涡W3和冷涡C3组成的一个准偶极子。

    In the central SCS , a stronger anti - cyclonic eddy W3 and a cyclonic eddy C3 compose a quasi-dipole in the area southeast of Vietnam .

  27. 东沙群岛西南冷涡的海水理化特性(2)黑潮在台湾岛东南通过冷涡C1以东海域,然后作气旋式弯曲。

    PHYSICAL CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SEAWATER IN THE COLD EDDY SOUTHWEST OF DONGSHA ISLANDS ( 2 ) the Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows east of a cold eddy C1.then it makes a cyclonic meander .

  28. 结果表明:观测期间,珠江冲淡水向东扩展的趋势很明显,与此同时,粤东沿岸(116°E)以东附近沿岸海域的水团具有低温、高盐的性质,显示了沿岸上升流的存在。

    The results reveal that during the investigation , the Pearl River runoff extended eastward evidently . Meanwhile , the surface water mass to the east of 116 ° E has characteristics of low temperature , high salinity and high density , which indicate the existence of coastal upwelling .

  29. 利用ARGO剖面浮标资料并结合卫星高度计资料,对台湾岛以东的涡旋垂向结构及其运动特征进行了详细的分析。

    In this study , we give a detailed investigation of the vertical structure of the eddies east of Taiwan Island by using the ARGO profiling data and Altimeter data .

  30. setVariables()使用以东和以北值设置所需的变量。

    SetVariables () uses the easting and northing values to set required variables .