
  • 网络Literary and artistic ideas;literary prospective
  1. 心路历程:巴尔扎克文艺思想的发展过程。

    Soul course : the development of Balzac 's literary ideology .

  2. 晚唐五代江南诗性文化的成熟,不仅在文艺思想史上有着重要意义,而且对于中国文化本身,也是化解其政治伦理压抑,并让这种诗性的审美气质成为我们民族精神传统支柱的关键因素。

    And this is the key factor in Chinese traditional culture .

  3. 艾青与胡风文艺思想之比较

    Comparison between Ai Qing 's and Hu Feng 's Literature Thought

  4. 埃德蒙·斯宾塞《爱情小唱》中的柏拉图文艺思想

    Plato 's Thoughts about Literature Embodied in Edmund Spenser 's Amoretti

  5. 自然美与艺术美:谁高谁低儒家与道家自然美文艺思想之比较

    Comparison of Confucianist and Taoist Literature and Art Thoughts of Natural Beauty

  6. 本文对二十世纪德国伟大的文学批评家本雅明的文艺思想作了概论。

    This is the introduction of Benjamin 's literature idea .

  7. 第一部分,论述穆时英的文艺思想。

    The first part of the article discusses Mu Shiying literary thought .

  8. 理论的辉光:巴尔扎克文艺思想的主要内容。

    Theory brilliance : the main contents of Balzac 's literary ideology .

  9. 论中国少数民族文艺思想

    ON the Literary and Artistic Thought of the Chinese Minorities

  10. 苏洵杂学特色及其文艺思想

    Su Xun 's " Za Xue " Feature and Literary Artistic Thought

  11. 试论日本神话中的文艺思想

    A First Study of the Artistic Thought in Japanese Mythology

  12. 艺术的阶级属性,是其文艺思想的核心内容。

    The class characteristic of art is his core of literary theory .

  13. 究其原因则是川端康成文艺思想是复杂多维的。

    The reason is Yasunari Kawabata literary theory is a complex multidimensional .

  14. “经验”是海明威文艺思想的核心。

    Experience is the core of literary thought in Hemingway 's wroks .

  15. 现实主义在马克思主义文艺思想中占有特别重要的位置。

    Realism occupied an important position in Marxist thought of literature and art .

  16. 我们不难发现,在这个时期,他的文艺思想徘徊于美学和政治之间。

    We can discover that his literary ideas hover between aesthetics and politics .

  17. 摘要西方美学和诗学,是与马克思主义美学和文艺思想相通的。

    Western Aesthetics and poetics are interlinked with Marxist aesthetic and literary thoughts .

  18. 三是言不尽意的文艺思想的萌芽。

    The germination of the literary thought of " meaning beyond words " .

  19. 胡风文艺思想与马克思主义文艺理论

    Hu Feng 's Ideology on Literature Art and Marxist Theory of Literature Art

  20. 二十世纪的古代儒家文艺思想研究

    A Study into the Confucian Thought on Literature and Art Since the 20th Century

  21. 马克思恩格斯的文学批评是孕育其文艺思想的直接动力,也是运用文学资源的另一有效方式。

    The style of literary criticism is another valid means for using literary resources .

  22. 论柏拉图的文艺思想

    On Plato 's Thoughts about Literature and Art

  23. 元好问的文艺思想与金元之交的文坛

    Yuan Hao wen 's Literary Thoughts And the Literary World between Jin and Yuan

  24. 他注重意脉的诠注方法,对其文艺思想与创作实践也产生了一定的影响。

    His annotation focusing on the suggestion influenced on his literary thought and writing practice .

  25. 第二章主要评价林语堂的文艺思想,林语堂融汇整合了中西文化,其文艺思想显示出宽容、真实、趣味的独特性;

    In the second chapter , Lin Yutang mixed Chinese culture and west culture together .

  26. 20世纪的西方文艺思想界是多元的格局,就整个情况看是开放的。

    It is argued that the western literary trends are open-ended in the 20th century .

  27. 论周扬延安时期文艺思想的构成

    The Formation of Zhou Yang 's Thoughts on Literature and Art During the Yanan Period

  28. 第二个层面是他的独特的文艺思想;

    Second , his unique literary thought ;

  29. 鲁迅文艺思想力的精神之研究

    A Study on " the Spirit of Power " in Thoughts of Luxun 's Literatures

  30. 他的中国艺术史文学史研究是与思想史研究互相融合的,他认为文学艺术是中国思想的一部分,中国思想的特点构成中国文艺思想的内在核心。

    He fused the study of Chinese art history , literature history and thought history .