
Strengthening the Administration of Highway and Building Provincial Civilization Highway
Stride towards Road of Eco - civilization
Therefore , Xinjiang should choose the way for harmonious development of human being and nature .
To Explore the Road of Chinese Execution Civilization & On the Han Dynasty and Ancient Rome execution coincide with the differences in culture
By constantly drawing lessons from and absorbing the human common civilization of rule by law , law transplant is the way to civilization of rule by law .
How to solve it effectively to achieve scientific development and ecological civilization is related to the destiny of mankind , affecting every country , every nation , even everyone in the world .
Ningqiang County in Shaanxi Province is a unique ecological resources and environmental advantages of the county , with the implementation of the " ecological county " strategy , taking the road of civilization and the unique ecological conditions .
In this process , in order to get the harmony between man and nature , man has to follow the principles of orientation , moderation and ethics , and man must lead the road of ecological civilization of continued development .
Wenzhou initiates a new way of guided by the government while inputted and constructed the spiritual civilization by the whole society . Meanwhile , the Wenzhou spirit of bold and decisive in action , adept in initiating pioneering work shapes up .
Model and Innovation : Road of the Socialism Politics Civilization Development
Virtue Ethics or Normative Ethics ? & the Thinking of the Way of Contemporary Ethics Construction
This impels us to have to trace to its source . Go to seek the way of socialist political civilization construction from the internal cause aspect of the society .
In the nationwide trend of industrialization , urbanization , marketization , informatization , and ecological awareness , the agricultural foundation must be solidified so that the rural areas may proceed in a civilized growth .
His theory is of great utility for reference during our process of building up scientific view of development , coordinating economic benefit , social benefit and environmental benefit , persevering in the track of civilized development , creating a harmonious society .
The Road of Exploring the Modernization of Political Civilization
Cultural xenophobia and the complex of redeeming the railways
Probing into the Construction of a Modern Civilized Library & The Process of Nanshan Library 's Development
The building of Green Civilization is an effective way to quicken the development of the economy and the society because it can guarantee a normal revolving of the natural ecosystem and the social ecosystem and guarantee a sustained development .