
  1. 他表示,人民文学出版社还投资购买了特殊的纸张,以确保人们一眼就能认出正版书。

    People 's Literature , he says , is also investing in distinctive paper to ensure the legitimate version stands out .

  2. 从八十年代中期开始发表诗作,一九九七年出版诗集《山鬼故家》(人民文学出版社)。

    In1997 she published her collection of poems Old Home of the Mountain Ghosts ( by People 's Literature Publishing House ) .

  3. 二零零四年,发表了第二部长篇小说《未遂的疯狂》,二零零九年人民文学出版社出版了第三部长篇小说《破茧》。

    In2004 , they published the second novel The Attempt of the Crazy , in2009 the People 's Literature Publishing House published their third novel Cocoon .

  4. 威廉•莫里斯:“艺术与社会主义”,《十九世纪英国文论选》。北京:人民文学出版社,1986年。

    Morris , William . " Art and Socialism . " Anthology of English Literary Theories in19th Century . Beijing : People 's Literature Press , 1986 .

  5. 人民文学出版社在北京日报上说了中文版的哈利波特在10月15日发行。

    The People 's Literature Publishing House plans to launch the official Chinese version of the new book Oct.15 , the Beijing Daily Messenger newspaper reported Sunday .

  6. 1961年,作者在旧注的基础上作了较全面的修订,由人民文学出版社重排印行。

    In 1961 , based on his former notes , the author revised it thoroughly and got it reset and published by the People 's Literature Publishing House .

  7. 本文对伊犁人民出版社及人民文学出版社的《苔丝》两译本进行对比研究,重点放在词汇、句子两个层面上。

    This paper intends to undertake a contrastive study on two Chinese versions of Tess of the D'Urbervilles , with an emphasis on two levels : lexicon and syntax .

  8. 《围城》于1946年在《文艺复兴》杂志上连载,1980年人民文学出版社又重新出版。

    Wei Cheng , serialized in the magazine Renaissance in 1946 , was republished by People 's Literature Press in 1980 . Wei Cheng first aroused great influence in overseas ;

  9. 似人民文学出版社这样的代表国家水准的出版单位,若再不断印行这样的著作也就不合改革开放的时宜了。

    Such publishing houses representing the country 's level as the People 's Literature Publishing House , its going on publishing such a work would be unsuited to the reform and open situation .

  10. 《哈利·波特》系列丛书的中国出版方人民文学出版社称,该系列丛书第八部《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》的中文版将于10月下旬出版。

    The Chinese version of the eighth book of the Harry Potter series , Harry Potter and the Cursed Child , is going to come out in late October , according to its Chinese publisher People 's Literature Publishing House .

  11. 在清诗为数不多的当代选注本中,黄寿祺等选注、人民文学出版社出版的《清诗选》,是出版较早、质量较高、影响也较大的一种。

    Among the countable collected poems with notes of Qing Dynasty published after 1949 , the one collected and noted by HUANG Shou-qi and his colleagues , published by the People 's Literature Publishing House was one of the earliest one with high quality and influences .

  12. 据该报道称,奥切列德内是莫斯科人际交流中心和文学教育出版社的负责人。

    Ocheretny is reported as heading the Centre For Interpersonal Communications and Literature Education publishing house in Moscow .

  13. 《文学原理新释》(顾祖钊著,人民文学出版社2000年2月版)是一本兼具学科性与学术性的新著。

    S : New Explanations of the Principles of Literature is a theoretic and academic new book .

  14. 《中国作家》杂志2004年第2期选发,2005年,获得“中国作家大红鹰文学奖”。2004年,《猎原》在人民文学出版社的“专家推荐排行榜”中位居第一。

    " Chinese Writers " magazine published the first two elections in2004 , and in2005 , this book received the " China Red Eagle Writers Prize " .