
méng lóng shī
  • misty poetry
朦胧诗[méng lóng shī]
  1. 知识分子写作和民间写作是超越朦胧诗的不同途径并真正萌生了新的审美原则。

    Intellectual writing and folk writing are two ways to transcend misty poetry and also germinated new aesthetic principle .

  2. 考察她诗歌中的意象变迁,有利于将舒婷的朦胧诗置于文学发展史中进行反思。

    The studies on her poem help review the misty poetry in literature development .

  3. 朦胧诗:个体内在性诗学新论

    Poetry of Obscurity : New Theory of Poetics on Individual Internality

  4. 原创与实验&朦胧诗后先锋诗歌的艺术趋向

    Original Creation and Experiment & The Art Tendency of Post-Misty Avant-garde Poetry

  5. 论朦胧诗的主体寻求与建构

    On Searching for and Constructing the Subject of Absurd Poetry

  6. 试论朦胧诗的模糊性与象征手法

    A Discussion on the Obscurity and Symbolism of Hazy Verse

  7. 第一章是对朦胧诗的语言研究做一个历史回顾。

    Firstly , look back to the language research of obscure poem .

  8. 从地下到地上&传播视野中的朦胧诗

    From Underground to Overground & obscure poems from the perspective of transmission

  9. 朦胧诗的美学特征及文学变革意义

    The Aesthetic Characteristics and the Significance of Literature Reform on Hazy Poems

  10. 朦胧诗后诗歌走势

    The Trend of Poetry After ' Hazy Poem '

  11. 朦胧诗对现实的介入性,曾经给它带来了荣耀。但鉴于其边缘性话语的性质,它对权力的拆解却是有限的。

    As the marginal discourse by nature , obscure poems demolish power discourse .

  12. 从朦胧诗到新生代诗&新时期文学回叙之二

    A Review of Literature in the New Era

  13. 1960-70年代前朦胧诗研究

    On the " Pre-Obscure Poems " in 1960-70s

  14. 朦胧诗的出现在继承了中国现代主义诗歌传统的基础上也做了相应的调整。

    Obscure Poetry in Modern Chinese Poetry inherited traditions also made the corresponding adjustments .

  15. 朦胧诗中的孩子

    The Image s & Children in Dim Poetry

  16. 朦胧诗是时代的产物,时代心灵的诉说。

    Misty is a product of time , time to talk about how the soul .

  17. 朦胧诗语言研究

    The Language Research of Obscure Poem

  18. 朦胧诗作品最终的指向与文学接受的规律是一致的;

    It is consistent that the obscure poems works final direct the law accepted with literature ;

  19. 戈麦走的是一条属于自己的路,他是朦胧诗后诗坛的一个孤独的探险者。

    Ge mai goes his own way , he is a lonely explorer Misty after poetry .

  20. 昙花一现的美丽&朦胧诗回眸

    Beauty of Flimsy-Overview of Dim Poetry

  21. 朦胧诗呈现出个人化倾向。

    Misty poetry presents personal element .

  22. 朦胧诗现象的发展过程体现了文艺观念与社会思潮的艰难转变。

    The development of Obscure Poem phenomenon witnessed a hard transformation in literature trends and ethos trends .

  23. 回首中的名与实&重读朦胧诗

    Looking Back the Obscure Poems

  24. 论朦胧诗的个人化倾向及其意义

    Personal Element in Misty Poetry

  25. 特定的人文环境让朦胧诗的创作印证了人类共有的生命经验;

    The specified humane environment made the creation of obscure poems confirm the human life experience in common .

  26. “知识分子写作”与“民间立场”写作之争,是朦胧诗以来最大的一次诗歌论争。

    The argument between intellectual writing and folk position has been the most effective one since Menglong Poem .

  27. 朦胧诗与现代性

    Fugue Poem and Modernity

  28. 朦胧诗是传统诗学精神的复苏而非新美学原则的崛起。

    Misty poetry is the resuscitation of traditional poetics , by no means of new esthetics principle growing up .

  29. 朦胧诗不只是一个诗歌流派,它是一种真正意义上的文学思潮;

    Obscure - poem is not only a poetic school but also a real trend of thought in literature .

  30. “朦胧诗”是当代诗歌研究的热点之一,同时也是不断产生论争的诗学现象。

    The " misty poetry " remains a much heated and disputed area of study in contemporary Chinese poetics .