
méng lóng zhuàng tài
  • twilight state
朦胧状态[méng lóng zhuàng tài]
  1. 生死之间的朦胧状态已经渗入他的器官。

    The twilight between life and death has seeped into his organs .

  2. 一切事情都处于纯理论的朦胧状态之中。

    Everything existed in the shadow world of pure theory .

  3. 他们断言,从当前的朦胧状态中会衍生出一个全新的世界。

    They predict a very different world that will emerge from the current uncertainty .

  4. 这些发展在书籍印成以前很久就已开始了,但把它们从朦胧状态中解放出来的却是印刷术。

    They had begun long before books were printed , but it was printing that released them from obscurity .

  5. 我承认,我觉得整个日本的威胁比起我们的别种需要来,是处在不祥的朦胧状态中的。

    I confess that in my mind the whole Japanese menace lay in a sinister twilight , compared with our other needs .

  6. 戈德史密斯说,他希望分心能让他的学生置地于一个数码的,或是说电子的朦胧状态,和超现实主义学家十分重视的梦与醒之间的意识状态很相似。

    Goldsmith says he hopes the distraction will place his students into a digital or electronic twilight , similar to the state of consciousness between dreaming and waking that was so prized by the Surrealists .

  7. 整个房子笼罩在一起浓重而温暖的朦胧状态中,仿佛它像姑娘们那样自由自在的睡着了,一直要睡到晚上,然后在音乐和烛光中焕然一新地显出自己优美的全貌。

    A heavy warm somnolence lay over the house , as if it slept at ease like the girls , until night when it would burst into its full beauty with music and candle flames .

  8. 无名氏研究在20世纪90年代已形成了开放中的多元化局面,但从文化角度对无名氏及其创作进行观照还处于相对朦胧的状态。

    The study about Wu Ming-shi has developed into an open and multi-situation in 1990s , but that is relatively somnolent situation if we observe Wu Ming-shi and his creation from a cultural perspective .

  9. 快乐是复杂朦胧的状态,由短暂简单的快事以及经年累月有意义的活动带来更持久的回报所组成。

    Happiness is a complex , nebulous state that is fed by transient simplepleasures , as well as the more sustained rewards of activities that only makesense from a perspective of years or decades .