
  • 网络daidzein;DHD
  1. 大豆中的异黄酮主要有两种形式:染料木黄酮和黄豆苷原。

    Main isoflavones derived from soybean were genistein and daidzein .

  2. 大量医学研究结果表明,雌马酚、DHD等代谢产物具有比其亲本化合物黄豆苷原更高更广的生物学活性。

    Based on medical research , the metabolites of daidzein , such as equol and DHD , showed stronger and wider biological activities than that of their parent compound daidzein .

  3. 而在发酵大豆制品中,由于酶的作用,部分黄豆苷和染料木素转化成黄豆苷原(daidzein)和染料木因(genistein),因此,游离态的异黄酮比例增加。

    In fermented soy products , due to enzyme 's function , part of daidzin and genistin converted into daidzein and genistein , therefore the proportion of free form of isoflavones increased ;