
  • 网络Golden Hour;golden time;GOLD TIME
  1. 这些都是你学习的黄金时刻。

    These moments are when you 're at your prime for learning .

  2. 在这个黄金时刻,让我们自己暖暖身子吧。

    Warm ourselves in all these golden moments .

  3. 如果认为每时每刻都是黄金时刻,那它就是。

    Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such .

  4. 当学生兴高采烈地过来对你说莎士比亚真聪明,那真是你的黄金时刻。

    You really do get golden moments when pupils turn to you agog that Shakespeare was really clever .

  5. 生命流中的黄金时刻冲越我们而我们只站立著没看见什麽;

    The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand ;

  6. 服务员:噢,礼品店在楼下,在黄金时刻录像出租屋的对面。

    Clerk : Well , Canadian Gifts is on the lower level . It 's across from Prime Time Video Rentals .

  7. 你应该走出去,展示你拥有的东西,让别人看到你的黄金时刻。

    This is the time to get out there & strut your stuff * Let others see you at your optimum best .

  8. 但德国获得巴西世界杯冠军,让她可以和其他德国人一起暂时停下来,享受德国的黄金时刻。

    But , along with the rest of the nation , victory in Rio allowed her a moment to pause - and relish Germany 's golden moment .

  9. 德国无疑正在经历黄金时刻(无论是在足球场上还是其他方面),但人们有理由担心,这将是昙花一现。

    Germany is undoubtedly going through a golden moment – on and off the football-field – but there are reasons for fearing that it will prove all too momentary .

  10. 而且我们也都想留住这黄金时刻。就像我们在奥运会上体会到的那样。但事实是,随着时间的流逝,这些体验终将淡去。

    And we too want to hold on to golden moments such as we 've experienced during the Olympics , but the reality is that over time these may fade .

  11. 这对所有在1979和1980年出生的女人来说应该是一个很棒的消息,她们会为自己正处于或即将处于人生的黄金时刻而感到高兴。

    This should be wonderful news for * well , for all women born in1979 and1980 , who can rejoice in the realisation that they are – or are about to be – at their peak .