
huánɡ niú piào
  • scalped tickets
  1. 卖黄牛票的把音乐会的票以原价的十倍卖出。

    Scalper sells tickets to the concert for ten times the original price .

  2. 倒卖热门运动竞赛的黄牛票。

    Scalping tickets to a popular sports event .

  3. 我们可以试着在体育场外买黄牛票。

    We can try to buy some tickets outside the stadium from a scalper .

  4. 想想看:买黄牛票参加考试,谎称自己去国外探险过,以及凌晨1点钟就开始接受课程辅导。

    Think : Scalping tickets for tests , making up exotic adventures , and getting tutored at 1:00 am .

  5. 从六月份开始,白某和几名黄牛票贩子合作,将迪斯尼乐园门票的购票信息发布到了不同的社交网络上。

    Since June , Bai , in collaboration with several ticket scalpers , has been releasing ticketing information for Disneyland tickets on various social networks .

  6. 他表示自己从来没有在这样的节假日顺利买到火车票过,很多次不得不去找票贩子花双倍的价格卖黄牛票。

    He said he always had no luck securing train tickets for such holidays , and many times had to go to scalpers and pay twice the price of a ticket .

  7. 提到huangniu,字面翻译成‘黄牛'票的倒卖者,买断考试资格,然后高价卖出,yang说,尽管她说这在体育赛事门票中是普遍的现象,但是现在已经转到了学生的考试领域中。

    Referred to as huangniu , literally translated to ' yellow cow , ' ticket scalpers buy up seats for tests , then sell them at a higher price , Yang said . Although she said it was most common with sporting event tickets , the operations had recently moved over to student exams .