
  • 【中医】Huangdi Neijing Taisu, Grand Simplicity of Inner Canon of Huangdi
  1. 作为日本国宝的仁和寺本《黄帝内经太素》,1981年影印出版前,其原书在我国从未得见。

    Ren He Temple 's edition of " Huang Di Nei Jing Tai Su ", a national treasure of Japan , was not available to the public until it was photo printed in1981 .

  2. 概述《诸病源候论》和《黄帝内经太素》称数法的出现情况,同时封其中的数词也造行概述。第五章量词及称数法特点研究。

    An overview of the " Various pathogenic designate theory " and " HuangDi Nei Jing Tai Su " said the occurrence of specific numbers , while one of the " Numeral " also provides an overview . Chapter ⅴ: Research on object quantifier and number method .