
huí wèi
  • aftertaste;relive;recollect the pleasant flavour of;call to mind and ponder
回味 [huí wèi]
  • [aftertaste;call to mind and ponder] 正对食物或事件回想体会味道

回味[huí wèi]
  1. 他认为,最近超大规模的IPO特别是中国工商银行(ICBC)上月220亿美元的公开发行可能会给许多投资者留下苦涩的回味。

    He believes recent mega-IPOs – notably Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 's $ 22bn listing last month – may leave many investors with a bitter aftertaste .

  2. 只剩我一个人,独自,回味那种味道

    Left myself , alone , to aftertaste that kind of flavor

  3. 她显然津津有味地回味着那一刻。

    She savoured the moment with obvious relish .

  4. 回味过去没有任何意义。

    There is no point in reliving the past

  5. 他的话意味深长,令人回味。

    What he said carries profound implications and affords much room for thought .

  6. 妈,我刚“回味”了之前吃的烧烤。

    Example : Mother , I just caught a straight ghost taste from that barbeque earlier .

  7. 有些食物,比如大蒜、洋葱和韭菜,吃了以后肯定会留给你强烈的回味。

    Some food including garlic1 , onion and Chinese chives would definitely2 bring you a ghost taste after you eat them .

  8. “回味”就是吃完饭后打嗝时涌上来的一股熟悉的味道,嘴里充满了似曾相识的食物的味道。

    Ghost taste is the familiar taste that accompanies a post-meal burp . It ’ s like deja-vu in your mouth .

  9. 吃多了肉也会产生“回味”,不仅当时会“回味”,第二天起床时也极有可能“回味”无穷。

    Eating a lot of meat may also bring you a ghost taste , not only at that time but also the day after .

  10. 这是一个非常催泪的爱情故事,一位老爷爷每天早上对一个不知道对她意味着什么的老奶奶朗读故事,影片落幕后,留下的苦乐参半的回味不会消失,它会一直跟着你;

    This achingly tender love story , read out loud by an elderly man every morning for a woman that has no idea what it means , won ’ t end with the closing credits . It will follow you , leaving a bittersweet aftertaste ;

  11. 南国之秋,当然是也有它的特异的地方的,比如廿四桥的明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普陀山的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等,可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

    Autumn in the South also has its unique features , such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou , the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River , the mist-shrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay . But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour .

  12. 怎么能少得了《乱世佳人》。你可以再次回味下这部经典,发现这个精彩故事的新侧面,一个坚强的、受伤的、独一无二的女人,她成功地经受住了命运的打击,让一些男人拜倒在她的石榴裙下的故事。

    There are good movies , and then there ’ s ’ Gone with the Wind . ’ You ’ ll keep coming back to it , discovering new sides to this incredible story of a strong-spirited , damaged , one-of-a-kind woman , who managed to survive blows of fate that would bring some men to their knees .

  13. 回味投资领域的智慧时,我马上想到了近来苹果(Apple)股票令投资者连连亏损的情况。

    Spinning through this field of wisdom , I immediately thought of the travails surrounding apple ( AAPL ) .

  14. 索斯盖特应该把这场胜利录制成DVD,然后米堡球员轮着发一圈,让他们好好回味这甜蜜的滋味。

    Gareth Southgate should package this successful recipe and send the DVD to every Middlesbrough player as a present to savour .

  15. 然而,这些患者的临床特点不令人回味的KS。

    Nevertheless , the clinical features of these patients were not evocative of KS .

  16. 在其它情况下,这本应是回味劳尔德贝兰克梵(lloydblankfein)长期快速升迁的一年。

    Under other circumstances , this would have been a year to savour in the long , rapid ascent of Lloyd Blankfein .

  17. 但那个协议早在几周前就在G20国家之间达成,并在上周五得到IMF董事会证实,因此这将是一项值得回味(而非有待宣布)的成功。

    But that deal was concluded among the G20 weeks ago and confirmed by the IMF board last Friday , so will be a success to reflect on rather than to announce .

  18. CarlosTejada/TheWallStreetJournal随着北京汽车展落下帷幕,汽车爱好者和汽车业记者开始回味全球汽车制造企业为吸引眼球以及在中国这个世界最大汽车市场推销产品而使出的浑身解数。

    As the Beijing auto show winds up , car buffs and auto writers can reflect on the bounty provided by world 's auto makers as they seek eyeballs and sales in the world 's biggest car market .

  19. 据说,国宾大红袍(StateGuestDaHungPao)的优雅香气极为持久,早晨喝上一杯,第二天早晨都还有回味。

    The fragrance of State Guest Da Hung Pao tea is said to be so long-lasting that if you drink a glass one morning , the delicate perfume will still be detectable about you the morning after .

  20. 拉夫•西蒙斯(RafSimons)采取的则是聪明的心理策略,既回味了自己青少年时代的纷纷扰扰,又目睹了当今时代男性面临的诸多复杂境况。

    Raf Simons is on a clever psychological trip , either recalling the complexity of his adolescence or observing that of men today .

  21. “表情帝”哈珀昨日也毫不吝啬地给我们露了几个鬼脸,显然小七心情不错。说不定小七还在回味之前看Gaga演出的那股激动劲儿呢!要知道Gaga可是她最爱的歌手。

    Making a few funny faces , Harper was no doubt in a playful mood , maybe still feeling the buzz of seeing her favourite singer , Lady Gaga perform the night before .

  22. 在这款SLG游戏中,你将回味中世纪惊心动魄的一段战史:著名的狮心王理查带领十字军远征圣地。

    SLG in this game , you will be a recollection of the Middle Ages a period of soul-stirring World War : the famous Richard the Lionheart to lead holy crusade .

  23. 里昂证券研究部负责人布拉德利(EdmundBradley)说,这其实是我们的重头戏,我们的客户显然很想听到那些曾参与文化塑造的了不起的人们说话,这些人可以带来一些别具一格、值得回味的东西。

    ' It 's really our flagship event , ' says Edmund Bradley , CLSA 's group head of research . ' Our clients are obviously interested in hearing from remarkable people who 've had a role in shaping culture ─ people who can offer something unique and memorable . '

  24. 快乐的回味对女人很重要。

    That it 's afterglow that 's important to a woman .

  25. 这趟旅行会成为度完假后在家还会时常回味的记忆。

    This trip is the ultimate memory to bring back home .

  26. 每场比赛留给我们很多回味的东西。

    Every game gives all of us so much to digest .

  27. 也许你做的让这个女孩回味的事情会让另一个反胃。

    What impresses one girl might make another roll her eyes .

  28. 他显然在回味着抓住机遇让公司进一步发展带来的乐趣。

    He was clearly relishing the opportunities for growing the company further .

  29. 回味与反思&重温鲁迅的儿童教育思想,反思当前儿童教育

    Lu Xun 's Thought on Children Education and the Current Children Education

  30. 或是试图回味我和我妈妈常有的争论。

    Or to repIay whatever argument I just had with my mother .