
  1. 方法对钢板螺丝钉内固定治疗胫骨骨折产生并发症的35例病人资料进行回性顾分析。

    Methods Retrospective analysis was carried out on35 patients with the complications of shinbone fra-cure , who were treated with internal fixation of screw and steel plate .

  2. 在对可转换公司债券本质属性分析的基础上,运用期权定价方法对可转换债券的可赎回性价值特征进行深入解析;

    Based on the analysis of the natural attributes of company convertible bonds , the option price fixing method is used to analyse the features of " callable value " of the convertible bonds .

  3. 总结了开放式基金不同于一般商品的独有特点,认为开放式基金具有4个特点:无形性、生产和消费同步性、风险性、可赎回性。

    Summarizes the unique characteristics of the open-end fund is different from general merchandise , and that the open-end fund has four characteristics : ' intangibility '' the synchronization of production and consumption ',' risk ' and ' redemption ' .

  4. 近来,磁性器件得到广泛的应用,但磁性材料的磁化过程伴随有能量的损耗,产生磁滞现象,这种磁滞非线性有时会产生较大的滞回性误差,这就限制了磁性器件的广泛使用。

    Recently , devices are applied widely , however , magnetization process of magnetic materials accompany with energy loss , cause hysteresis , This non-linear hysteretic sometimes can produce a greater hysteretic nature of the error , which limits the widespread use of magnetic devices .

  5. 方法回顺性分析经手术证实4例胰腺钝伤的CT表现及其特点。

    Methods CT findings of4 patients with surgically proved blunt pancreatic injuries were retrospectively analyzed .

  6. 所有的J2EE持久化技术都提供了一些机制来将业务数据对象映射回持久性数据源。

    All J2EE persistence technologies provide some mechanism to map business data objects back to a persistent data source .

  7. 6-OHDA损毁背NE束对大鼠齿状回习得性长时程增强的影响

    Effects of 6 ohda lesions of the bilateral dorsal noradrenergic bundle on learning dependent long term synaptic potentiation in dentate gyrus

  8. 且发现脑皮质及海马回凋亡性细胞死亡通常自HI后6~12h开始,24h达高峰。

    It was found that apoptotic cell death generally began 6 ~ 12 h after the initiating insult , and reached the peak at 24 h in the cortex and hippocampus .

  9. 目的:从生物力学方面研究腰椎间盘突出部分的可回纳性,指导经皮腰椎间盘切除术(PLD)的病例选择。

    Objective : Biomechanic study of the retractable possibility of the herniated tissue from lumbar intervertebral disc in order to direct case selection of percutaneous lumbar discectomy ( PLD ) .

  10. 数字印刷对废纸回用性的影响

    Influence of digital printing to the recyclability of waste paper

  11. 基于回正性与轻便性的前轮定位参数优化设计

    Theory for Optimization Design of Steer Wheel Alignment Based on Returnability and Handiness

  12. 对于线控转向系统的补偿控制可以提高转向系统的轻便性和回正性,在一定程度上会减轻驾驶员的疲劳,并且驾驶员获得清晰的路面信息。

    Improving the steering easiness and returnability , the compensate controlsystem can alleviate driver fatigue .

  13. 湿型用α淀粉复合粘结剂砂的回用性研究

    Study on Reclamation and Recycling Use of α - Starch Compound Binder Bonded Sand for Green Mold

  14. 翻译中的回原性

    The Back Reference in Translation

  15. 本文探讨了回指性有定名词词组与先行词间的语义关系及影响这种语义关系的因素。

    The paper explores the semantic relations between the anaphoric definite noun phrase and its antecedent and factors affecting the semantic relations .

  16. 方法:回顺性分析552例妊娠期高血压疾病患者母儿并发症及产科处理与妊娠结局的关系。

    Method : To retrospectively analyze the relations between obstetrical treatment and the results of pregnancy in 552 cases with pregnancy induced hypertension .

  17. 由于各类缺口的缺口回补性不定,因此,市场中逢缺必补的说法不正确。

    Due to gap to cover all kinds of gap , therefore , in the market to " lack of will fill " is not correct .

  18. 多语言间的转译越来越多,笔者提出用译文的“回原性”来衡量译文的忠实度,并举例分析了“回原性”研究的重要。

    This paper proposes to use the back reference in translation to measure the loyalty of translations and exemplifies the importance of the back reference study .

  19. 文中主要介绍了存储测试系统的构建,提出了二级存储技术,并能够在系统掉电情况下保持数据的完整性和系统二次上电时的可回读性。

    In allusion to parameter test of medium and big caliber shell , acceleration memorizing and testing system of outer trajectory is designed and realized by applying C8051F020 MCU .

  20. 第一旋回基性火山岩属碱性系列,第二、三旋回基性火山岩属拉斑玄武岩系列。

    The basic volcanic rocks of the first cycle belong to the alkali basalt magma series and those of the second and the third cycles the tholeiitic magma series .

  21. 中医著作的翻译趋势是语言简洁,内容准确,可读性强,同时兼顾回译性以便国际间交流。

    The trend in translating TCM classical works is towards brevity in language , adequacy in content , readability for target readers , and back translatability for international communication .

  22. 本文同时指出,逻辑关系不是回指性有定名词词组与先行词间的语义关系在语法层上的唯一体现。

    It is pointed out that logical relationship is not the only realization of semantic relations between the anaphoric definite noun phrase and its antecedent on the grammatical level .

  23. 结论:电击应激可造成大鼠空间参考记忆获得和维持能力的损伤,减少大鼠海马各亚区及齿状回神经元性一氧化氮合酶阳性细胞数。

    CONCLUSION : Foot shock can result in the injury of spatial reference memory obtain and maintenance in rats , and decrease the number of nNOS positive cells in hippocampal sub-regions and dentate gyrus .

  24. 这个区别是什么,布鲁斯特没有细说,他将话题引到了海星和海胆的卵,然回技巧性地回到人体上:

    The precise nature of this difference was not revealed , and only after a skilful diversion on to the subject of the eggs of starfish and sea-urchins did Brewster eventually arrive back at the human body :

  25. 用SBS对AS回料改性的研究

    A study on modification of as recycling material by SBS

  26. 滤池反冲洗废水回用生产性试验研究生态滤沟处理城市降雨径流的中试研究

    Pilot - Scale Study on Urban Runoff Treatment Using Biological Filter

  27. 电厂回用水腐蚀性的电化学测试方法研究

    Study on electro-chemical testing method for the corrosivity of re-utilizing water in power PLNATS

  28. 考虑再生水回用安全性,对公共健康风险进行了初步分析。

    Considering safety of reclaimed wastewater , primary public health risk assessment was also analyzed .

  29. 但是这种理想的行为不是消极的,因为爱情持续不断要求索回的总体性,正好就是时间以不可抗拒的力量撕碎和隐藏的那种总体性。

    But this ideal act is not a passive one , for the totality which love has to continually reclaim is precisely the totality which time so convincingly appears to fragment and hide .

  30. 在简要讨论我国污水处理回用必要性的基础上,对我国污水处理回用的发展状况进行了全面阐述和分析,并对污水处理回用的发展前景作了展望。

    On the basis of a brief discussion about the necessity of wastewater treatment and reuse , the author makes a full expatiation and analysis on the status of development of wastewater treatment and reuse and forecasts its prospect .