
  • 网络traditional handicraft
  1. 手工刺绣,作为一种古老的传统手工技艺,已有千百年的历史。

    As an ancient , traditional handicraft , handmade embroidery has a history of thousands of years .

  2. 能够为未来北京绢人等传统手工技艺的学术研究提供借鉴意义和学理支持。

    The author hopes this thesis will provide references and academic support for the study of Beijing Silk Figure and other traditional craftsmanship .

  3. 作为一项历史悠久的传统手工技艺,绢人艺术是我国古代丝绸文化在手工艺领域的折射与体现。

    As a traditional craftsmanship , silk figure has a long history and is an expression of Chinese ancient silk culture in the field of handicraft arts .

  4. 在当代艺术中,以传统手工技艺为基础的美学追求不再能主导创作,这意味着真实性重新成为艺术的价值追求。

    In contemporary art , the aesthetical pursuit based on traditional handwork cannot dominate the creation , which means that truth becomes the pursuit of art again .

  5. 在这个方向,设计参与主要包括:设计研究(尤其是对传统手工技艺在物质文化层面的研究)、品牌设计、设计管理等方面的内容。

    In this aspect , the designer 's principle work involves research , especially about traditional handicrafts on the level of material culture , branding design and design management .

  6. 概括起来,就是把现代科学技术与传统的手工技艺相结合。

    To sum up , is to modern science and technology with traditional manual techniques combined .

  7. 笔者认为书画修复技艺不只是一种传统的手工技艺,也是需要借助多学科知识的、综合性的文物保护科学。

    I believe that painting and calligraphy skills to repair not only a traditional manual skills , but also require knowledge of multi-disciplinary and comprehensive conservation science .

  8. 我们凭着传统的手工雕刻技艺,先进的机械设备和高新技术,把天然的贝壳加工成精美的工艺品。

    We carved with the traditional manual techniques , advanced equipment and high-tech , natural shells processed into exquisite handicrafts .

  9. 高汤配制是八碗菜肴制作的核心工艺,也即汾州传统宴席的核心手工技艺。

    Soup-stock preparation is not only the core technique for cooking eight-bowl cuisines , but also the core manual skills of Fen Zhou traditional banquets .

  10. 本文根据上述5个方面的内容和10项具体类别,主要对苗族的民间文学、表演艺术、习俗与节日、传统知识与实践、传统手工技艺等方面进行了整理。

    According to the above 5 domains and 10 catalogues , this dissertation mainly studies on Miao folk literature , performing arts , custom and festivals , traditional knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe , traditional craftsmanship .