
chuán xùn
  • subpoena;cite;summon for interrogation or trial
传讯 [chuán xùn]
  • [summon for interrogation or trial] [司法机关、公安机关] 将与案件有关的人员传告到法庭或公安局询问、审讯

传讯[chuán xùn]
  1. 他接到传讯,来到法庭上。

    He was brought up to court with a subpoena .

  2. 为了得到铁一般的事实我们在必要时将使用我们传讯权。

    The hard facts ... We 'll use our subpoena power as needed .

  3. 我们一心想传讯这家报纸。

    We fully intend to issue a writ against the newspaper .

  4. 她被警察传讯后无罪释放。

    After being questioned by the police , she was released without charge .

  5. 法官对上一次拒不遵守庭谕的那名妇女发出了藐视法庭的传讯。

    The judge issued a contempt citation against the woman for violating a previous court order .

  6. 她因超速行车被传讯。

    She was summonsed for speeding .

  7. 他因怂恿他人叛国而受到传讯。

    He was arraigned for criminally abetting a traitor .

  8. 法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。

    The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct .

  9. 她因拒绝告诉警察自己的年龄而被地方法院传讯。

    She was hauled before magistrates for refusing to reveal her age to a policeman

  10. 他因涉嫌此案而被传讯。

    He was cited for suspected involvement in this Law case .

  11. 他在离婚案中被传讯出庭。

    He was cited in a divorce case .

  12. 这是马修第二次因危险行车而受到传讯。

    This is the second time that Matthew has been hauled up on a dangerous driving charge .

  13. 这是彼得第三次因酒醉驾车而被传讯。

    It is the third time that Peter has been brought up before the court for drunken driving .

  14. 他因被控危险驾车而被传讯上法庭。

    He 's been hauled before the court on a charge of dangerous driving .

  15. 他向接待警员询问了马宏将在哪个法庭接受传讯

    Wyatt asks the desk clerk which courthouse he is being transferred to for arraignment .

  16. 珍,你在Classic传讯部担任秘书的工作吗?

    Jane , are you a secretary Classic Communications ?

  17. 安装在您的设备上的小玩意儿客户开始打互联网电话和使用立即传讯(IM)和存在。

    Install the Gizmo client onto your device to start making internet calls and using instant messaging ( IM ) and Presence .

  18. 为了配合公司业务拓展,现上海代表处诚聘CEO私人助理,助理市场传讯经理各一名。

    Now the Shanghai Representative Office is looking for Candidates to sit for the positions of Personal Assistant to CEO and Assistant MarCom Manager .

  19. 根据法院备案文件,瑞信受到sec的传讯,涉及在一宗私人部门诉讼中曝光的指控。

    Credit Suisse was subpoenaed by the SEC in relation to allegations made in a private lawsuit , according to court filings .

  20. 这不是Holloway第一次收到该市法院的传讯。

    This isn 't the first time Holloway has been cited by the city .

  21. 对于设计师来说,FashionGPS一举“改变了秀场的游戏规则,”唐娜?卡兰(DonnaKaran)时装公司全球传讯事务高级副总裁阿里扎?利希特说。

    For designers , Fashion GPS has been " game-changing , " said Aliza Licht , Donna Karan 's senior vice president of global communications .

  22. 新鸿基企业传讯主管MargaretNg表示,二人是公司现有员工,仍在学习有关业务。

    The two men are existing members of staff who are still learning about the business , according to Margaret Ng , director of corporate communications .

  23. 律师们表示,CFTC正在针对某些时间段的市场波动进行传讯取证。

    The CFTC is taking depositions , or testimony , about some of those periods , lawyers say .

  24. MBIA一名发言人表示,为其代理诉讼的律师事务所也受到SEC传讯,要求其提交涉及这宗诉讼的文件。

    A spokesman for MBIA said the law firm representing it in the litigation has also been subpoenaed by the SEC for documents related to that lawsuit .

  25. VTA神经元兴奋时就会送出电讯,沿著轴突这条伸入依核的「传讯高速公路」快速传送。

    When a nerve cell in the VTA is excited , it sends an electrical message racing along its axon-the signal-carrying highway that extends into the nucleus accumbens .

  26. 她昨天被送回了对少年拘留在她的传讯。

    She was remanded to juvenile detention at her arraignment yesterday .

  27. 他因袭击一名学生而被法院传讯。

    He got hauled up in court for assaulting a student .

  28. 在传讯的时候及时到案;

    To be present in time at a court when summoned ;

  29. 但他们传讯你的时候,有拍照吗?

    But did they take your picture when they booked you ?

  30. 我儿子总是被警察传讯。

    My son 's always getting into trouble with the police .