
  1. 隐士与中国传统农学

    Recluse scholars and traditional agriculture in ancient China

  2. 试论中国传统农学理论中的人

    A Primary Probe into the Problems about Human Elements in Traditional Chinese Agricultural Theory

  3. 中国传统农学思想中蕴含的形式美&农学与美学关系初探

    Association Between Agronomy and Aesthetics & Simple Analysis on Formal Beauty Contained in Traditional Agronomy

  4. 中国传统农学思想的阐释借鉴了中国古代哲学的概念和范畴,以朴素的系统、整体观察为特征。

    Traditional Chinese Agronomy is based on Chinese classical philosophy and interprets agricultural phenomena from original macrocosm .

  5. 这些思想和理论是江南农业生产与农业技术经验的结晶,标志着中国传统农学发展的新阶段。

    These thoughts and theories were fruits of the agricultural production and technology of Jiangnan , and symbolized the new age of development in traditional Chinese agronomy .

  6. 作为可持续农业指导思想的农业生态学需要同传统农学紧密结合,以探索出符合我国国情和可持续发展原则的农业现代化之路。

    As the guidelines for sustainable agriculture , the agroecology has to be closely linked with traditional agronomy , so as to search for the model of agricultural modernization that is in accordance with China 's real characters .