
  • 网络post human;the posthuman
  1. “后人类报告”成都美术学院研究生作品展蓝色空间画廊中国成都;

    Post Human Being Report Exhibition for Post-graduate Students of Oil Painting Department , Chengdu Fine Art Academy , Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Blue Dreamland , Chengdu , China ;

  2. 随着分子和基因组信息对流行病学影响的增加,无数遗传流行病学研究和后人类基因组计划的研究都越来越依赖人类生物信息库的使用。

    As the impact of molecular and genomic data grows in epidemiology , numerous studies of genetic epidemiology and post human genomic project rely increasingly on the use of human biobanks .

  3. 该任务将有助于美国宇航局为2030年后人类探索火星做好准备。

    The mission will help prepare the agency for future human exploration on Mars in the 2030s .

  4. 肾移植后人类白细胞抗原抗体检测的临床意义

    Detection of anti-HLA antibodies and its clinical implication after kidney transplantation

  5. 年代及其后人类和社会发展行动议程

    Actionable Agenda for Human and Social Development in the 1990s and Beyond 1990

  6. 关于后人类若干问题的思考

    Reflection on Several Problems of " Post-mankind "

  7. 没有人能够断定一百万年后人类将是什么样的。

    No one can tell what man will look like in a million of years .

  8. 遭受自然灾害后人类坚强的生存故事和一个国家处于绝望中的行动。

    Stories of survival and acts of desperation in a country reeling from natural disaster .

  9. 瓦特发明蒸汽机后人类社会进入了工业时代。

    When James Watt invented the steam engine , the world entered the industrial era .

  10. 只是在战争结束后人类才意识到原子弹的可恶。

    Only after the war was over was man able to realize the wickedness of the atomic bomb .

  11. 输血后人类白细胞抗原与红细胞同种免疫关系初探

    Preliminary study on relationship between HLA alloimmunization and alloimmunization to RBC antigens in patients with multiple blood transfusions

  12. 技术返魅时代的后人类发展将朝着一种新生物文明发展。

    After all post-human ' development in the re-enchantment of technology age will move towards a new biological development of civilization .

  13. 技术的返魅使得人与技术处于一种人-技术联合体的发展模式中,即后人类发展模式。

    The re-enchantment of technology makes people and technology in " people-technology " joint development mode . That is the development mode of post-human .

  14. 探讨了卵黄缓冲液4℃保存后人类精子存活时间的变化。

    This study was carried out to investigate the effect of egg yolk buffer at 4 ℃ condition on human sperm survival the in vitro .

  15. 那么问题来了:作为假扮人类的外星人,你打算跟艾米遵循舞会后人类交配的惯例吗?

    Here 's a question , as an alien pretending to be human , are you planning to engage in any post-prom mating rituals with Amy ?

  16. 用所建模型分析1970年后人类活动对径流的影响,取得了比较可靠的结果。

    It was found that an obvious decrease in the runoff since 1970 . The effects of human activities on the runoff regime in the basins are analyzed quantitatively .

  17. 抗猪红细胞膜抗原非凝集型单克隆抗体的研制及鉴定输血后人类白细胞抗原与红细胞同种免疫关系初探

    Preparation and Characterization of Non-agglutinating Monoclonal Antibodies against Membrane Antigen of Swine Erythrocytes Preliminary study on relationship between HLA alloimmunization and alloimmunization to RBC antigens in patients with multiple blood transfusions

  18. 比起1961年将人类送上月球的可能性,今天将人类送上火星的可能性更大。1961年后人类又花了八年时间才到达月球。

    We 're much closer today to be able to send humans to Mars than we were to be able to send man to the moon in 1961 , and we were there 8 years later .

  19. 后人类进化会在创生肉体、完善生命、解放主体、改变人生观念、提高生存质量、实现个性自由和社会公正等方面开创出美好前景。

    Post-mankind evolution will create a bright and beautiful future in creating the body , perfecting the life , liberating the subjective , changing the life ideal , raising survival quality , realizing personal freedom and social justice .

  20. 随着去年某些地区肥料价格每公吨上涨了近50%后,人类排泄物成为一个有吸引力的且必要的替代品。

    With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50 % per metric ton over the last year in some places , human waste is an attractive , and often necessary , alternative .

  21. 研究主要集中在嵌合状态的一个特殊方面,即将动物卵细胞的核取出后置入人类DNA。

    The research focuses on a specific aspect of chimerism that would involve removing the nucleus from animal egg cells and replacing it with human DNA .

  22. 艾滋病(AIDS-acquiredimmunodeficiencysyndrome)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的一种后天性人类免疫缺陷综合征。

    AIDS ( Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , AIDS ) is a HIV-caused syndrome of acquired human immune deficiencies .

  23. 方法分别制备卵巢癌原发灶和肝转移灶组织标本mRNA,线性扩增后与人类寡核苷酸芯片杂交,通过信号扫描、处理后获得两者的表达差异基因。

    [ Method ] The mRNA of the tissues from the in situ site and hepatic metastasis were extracted respectively and hybridized with human oligo microarray after amplification , and the differentially expressed genes were obtained .

  24. 多氯联苯(PCBs)作为内分泌干扰物质进入天然水体后对人类、环境及生态都会造成严重危害。

    Polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) as endocrine disrupter have caused serious damage to the peole and the ecological environment when they entered into the natural water .

  25. 方法:染色体G显带后按人类细胞遗传学国际命名体制(ISCN)进行核型分析。

    Methods : Chromosomes were G banded and then karyotypes were analysed with an international system for human cytogenetic nomenclature ( ISCN ) .

  26. 麦基尔大学(mcgilluniversity)蒙特利尔神经学研究所(montrealneurologicalinstitute)的研究员在一项脑成像研究中发现,在注入名为ghrelin的激素后,人类反应中枢对食物图像的反应更为强烈。

    In a brain-imaging study , researchers from the Montreal Neurological Institute at McGill University found that reward centres respond more powerfully to pictures of food in people who had been given an infusion of the hormone known as ghrelin .

  27. 已有研究证明紫外线辐射后诱导人类皮肤成纤维细胞产生基质金属蛋白酶(Matrixmetalloproteinases,MMPs),MMPs能特异性降解几乎所有的细胞外基质成分,在皮肤光老化中起着重要作用。

    It has been proved that UV irradiation could promote the human fibroblasts generate matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs ), MMPs could specifically degrade almost all of the extracellular matrix component , which plays an important role in the skin photoaging .

  28. 自Costanza等人做出全球生态系统服务价值定量化估算后,人类不再只是定性的描述经济发展对生态环境的胁迫性,定量化评估生态系统服务功能成为国内外研究热点。

    Since Costanza et al made the global value of ecosystem services quantitative estimates , people not only qualitatively describe the coercive of economic development on the ecological environment , but also quantitatively assess the ecosystem services .

  29. 粒子侦测器可捕捉这辐射,将它解码后供人类使用。

    A particle detector can capture this radiation and decode it for human consumption .

  30. 成熟后可做人类食物的谷穗。

    Ears of corn grown for human food .