
fù xì shè huì
  • patrilineal society
  1. 从人类文明的历史进程来看,人类社会经历了由母系社会到父系社会的演变过程,神话也经历了由女神神格向男神神格演化的历程。

    Whith the development of human civilization , human society has evolved from matriarchal society to patrilineal society . So do the myth world .

  2. 第二,在父系社会中,不仅存在着男性的继嗣与女性的交换,而且也存在着女性的继嗣与男性的交换,后者亦为地域社会构成的重要路径。

    Secondly , in the patrilineal society , there are not only the descent of the males and exchange of the females , but also the descent of the females and exchange of the males , which also constitutes an important way to the territorial community .

  3. 所以他们的父系社会是基于爱,而不是力量。

    Thus , the patriarchal system was based upon love , not force .

  4. 这些非常严谨的父系社会体系正被打破,

    the very strict patriarchal societies are starting to break down a little ,

  5. 该原型是男性神格代替女性神格的表征,是父系社会对母系社会的替代这一历史过程在神话中的反映。

    Moreover , this archetype reflects the history that the paternal society replaced the matriarchal society .

  6. 过去的几十年里,韩国建立起我们所知的最严格的父系社会。

    Over several decades , South Korea built one of the most patriarchal societies we know about .

  7. 父系社会的女性是处于从属地位的,她们如同笼中鸟没有任何权利。

    The patriarchal society subordinates the female to the male . Like a caged-bird , they do not have any rights .

  8. 在以男性利益为标准的强大父系社会中,男性占绝对的主体地位,而女性则不可避免地沦为他者。

    Under the overwhelmingly powerful patriarchal system , men occupy the dominant position while women are forced to accept an unfavorable and inferior status as the Other .

  9. 一方面,性别歧视是父系社会男权至上的必然结果,具有普遍性、相通点。

    On the one hand , sexism in language is the inevitable outcome of the development of a patriarchal society , which is the similarity of these two languages .

  10. 自从父系社会确立了男权统治地位,女性的行为准则逐渐被以集体无意识的方式规范下来,成为根深蒂固的社会现实法则。

    Since the establishment of man-ruled position in patriarchic society , female behavior criterion came to be regulated by the mode of collective unconsciousness , being an ineradicable rule of social reality .

  11. 猿类与人类社会是两条平行的原始父系社会(女性负责养育后代和忧虑,男性担任领导工作,发动战争,这有点让人失望,但算不上制片人想像力的惊人失败),二者也面临着同样的分裂问题。

    The ape and human societies are parallel primitive patriarchies ( women nurture and worry , while men lead and fight , a disappointing but hardly surprising failure of imagination on the filmmakers " part ) , and they are threatened by symmetrical schisms .

  12. 仰韶文化经历了由母系氏族社会逐步过渡到父系氏族社会的漫长历史长河,在中国古代文明起源中具有重要意义。

    It has an important significance of the origin of Chinese ancient civilization .

  13. 在母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会转化的过程中,舅权起到了桥梁的作用。

    In the transition from matriarchal society to clan society Avunculate rises the function of the bridge .

  14. 《史记》、《竹书纪年》等中国古文献中记载了许多有关父系氏族社会的情况。

    Much information about the patriarchal commune is documented in Chinese literature , like the Records of the Grand Historian and the Bamboo Annals .

  15. 一般认为,早期属于母系氏族社会末期向父系氏族社会过渡阶段,中、晚期已进入父系氏族社会。

    Generally believed that a matriarchal clan community of early end to the patriarchal clan society transitional phase , has entered advanced paternal clan society .

  16. 在早期父系氏族社会中,出现了一些杰出的部落联盟领袖,其中最著名是“三皇五帝”。

    At the early stage of it , some excellent chieftains appeared . Among them , the most distinguished ones are Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors .

  17. 舅权虽然只是从母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会过渡的一个中间环节,但在人类社会发展史上有过显赫的地位。

    Although the uncle right from the matriarchal clan community is only to the patriarchal clan society of a transitional intermediate links , but in the history of the development of human society have a prominent position .

  18. 在父系家长制社会的统治下,女性与自然除了反抗别无选择。

    Under the domination of the patriarchal system , women and nature have no choice but to revolt .

  19. 其中主要探究并提出了蒙古地区从旧石器时代以来就有人类居住,而且这些古老居民成为日后蒙古民族形成的主要来源;蒙古地区的众多部落、部族都曾经历过父系氏族制社会阶段。

    It mainly states that there were men habitat in Mongolian plateau from the Old Stone Age , and those pre & historical men are the precedent of the present Mongolians . Many tribes in the Mongolian plateau were in the stage of paternal clan .