
  • 网络chao ge
  1. 意图主义的检验:以朝戈和丁方为例

    Intentionalism and Anti-Intentionalism : A Case Study of Chao Ge and Ding Fang

  2. 现实与理想&从朝戈、丁方的绘画看当代艺术的人文精神

    Reality and Ideals : Human Values in Contemporary Art as Are Expressed in the Paintings of Chao Ge and Ding Fang

  3. 朝戈拒绝沉沦于世俗化的历史,他以艺术的方式在世界之夜寻找并守护精神的火种,坚持以精神之火照亮历史。

    Chao Ge refuses to degenerate into the vulgar history and tries to illuminate history with the fire of art for whose seeds he painstakingly searches and protects in the dark night of the world .