- toward;face;orient;orientation;open on to;point;aspect;qibla

[open on to; face] 面对或转向一个特定方向
(1) [orientation]∶建筑物与东西方向轴线的相对位置
(2) [qibla]∶麦加克尔白圣堂的方向,所有穆斯林礼拜时的朝向
Characteristics of Internal Wall Surface Temperature with South-North Orientations in Urban Area
The result shows that this method can predict some of the orientations successfully .
As soon as I entered , they stopped and turned my way .
Farnese had the orientation of the church changed so that the front would face a square .
The French windows open onto a beautiful old lawn .
The house has a favourable exposure .
Sunflowers always turn towards the sun .
Thus the tongue of the frog lies in the mouth pointing backwards17 .
Wilbur crouched low , with his thin , curly tail toward the rat .
In Experiment 4a and Experiment 4b , we denied orientation similarity between successive stimuli to be the source of the effect .
Whether there is automatic processing to unattended orientation change was investigated in the present study , by recording event-related potentials ( ERPs ) .
After Radon transform on the skeletal texture image , a two dimensional curve plot was drawn to represent textural directionality of wood .
Based on the directions of eyesight and the natural separating of two legs , the human 's orientation is adjusted to facing z positive direction .
The N Pole of Earth is shoved away when the Earth rotates , daily , to present it to the Sun and the nearby Planet X which rides near the Sun .
Performance evaluation of PV arrays at different tilt angles and orientations in BIPV
BP neural network is used for face orientation recognition and a sub network with a set of single export is replaced with formerly BP neural network to increase the accuracy of face orientation recognition .
With the emergence and development of Web services , the GIS platform is headed for the direction of GIS based on Web service , Grid GIS and Cloud GIS , the inner power is the demand of data sharing and interoperation function .
Based on a study of calculating air infiltration and its incured heat loss , analyzes the meaning of the orientation correction factor ( n ), determines the related statistical parameters of wind , puts forward a new calculating method of n value and gives a corresponding example .
The extracted color invariants for color images based on color invariant model , has nothing to do with the observation position , surface orientation , illumination direction , intensity , and Fresnel reflection coefficient .
Tonner containers have two valves . The container is oriented so the valves are one above the other .
Based on the Gabor function model of simple cortical cells , by imitating the structure of orientation columns in visual cortex , and aided by pattern enhancement and processing nets , a model for edge detection with neuron like organization is constructed .
The primary results show that the surveyed terrain is undulatory due to its adjacence to the Lambert Glacier and Mount Grove , and its facing towards the Lambert Glacier in the middle section of the traverse .
The ATX power connector is keyed for proper insertion . If we had used our right hand we would not have been able to point the middle finger in the correct direction .
We fit the iris to a circle and regard the upper-eyelid as a section of circular arc . Then we use the method of sub-pixel detection to detect sub-pixel edge and the method of Hough transform based on gradient orientation and gradient direction to detect circle .
While the paper found that China 's patent system was not structured to benefit Chinese companies , it said there had been a number of recent " high-profile patent suits filed by relatively unknown Chinese firms against high-profile foreign tech companies like Apple , Samsung and Dell . "
Sustainability indicators are tools for monitoring progress towards sustainable development and used for the formulation of efficient policies ( World Economic Forum , 2001 ; UNCSD , 2001 ; Bossel , 2001 ) .
It is envisaged that this facility will be adjacent to , and form part of , the causeway management building which is described in section a.3.10 and which will be constructed towards the end of the project .
But the fighting is now moving closer to population centers .
What factors prevent organizations from being oriented to achieve ?
To our consternation the train rushed on toward the burning bridge .