
cháo xiàng
  • toward;face;orient;orientation;open on to;point;aspect;qibla
朝向 [cháo xiàng]
  • [open on to; face] 面对或转向一个特定方向

  • 它们的鼻孔朝向下方

  • (1) [orientation]∶建筑物与东西方向轴线的相对位置

  • (2) [qibla]∶麦加克尔白圣堂的方向,所有穆斯林礼拜时的朝向

朝向[cháo xiàng]
  1. 城市区域南北朝向室内表面温度特征

    Characteristics of Internal Wall Surface Temperature with South-North Orientations in Urban Area

  2. 从预测结果可以看出,该算法可以对部分朝向进行预测。

    The result shows that this method can predict some of the orientations successfully .

  3. 我一进去,他们就停下来转身朝向我。

    As soon as I entered , they stopped and turned my way .

  4. 法尔内塞改变了教堂的朝向,这样它的正面就可以对着广场。

    Farnese had the orientation of the church changed so that the front would face a square .

  5. 落地窗朝向一个美丽而生长多年的草坪。

    The French windows open onto a beautiful old lawn .

  6. 这房子朝向好。

    The house has a favourable exposure .

  7. 向日葵总是朝向太阳。

    Sunflowers always turn towards the sun .

  8. 因此,青蛙的舌头蜷缩在嘴巴里,朝向后方。

    Thus the tongue of the frog lies in the mouth pointing backwards17 .

  9. 威伯趴下来,把他那根又细又弯的尾巴朝向老鼠那边。

    Wilbur crouched low , with his thin , curly tail toward the rat .

  10. 在实验四(a)和实验四(b)中,我们进一步排除了前后刺激之间朝向的相似性可能造成的混淆。

    In Experiment 4a and Experiment 4b , we denied orientation similarity between successive stimuli to be the source of the effect .

  11. 利用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,探讨非注意状态的刺激朝向改变是否引起自动加工。

    Whether there is automatic processing to unattended orientation change was investigated in the present study , by recording event-related potentials ( ERPs ) .

  12. 对纹理骨骼线图象进行Radon变换后,可绘制纹理角度的二维曲线图,纹理曲线图所反映的木材纹理角度朝向规律与人们日常印象相吻合;

    After Radon transform on the skeletal texture image , a two dimensional curve plot was drawn to represent textural directionality of wood .

  13. 根据人体视线和脚尖的同向性及两腿的自然分开特征,对点云进行方位调整,使人体朝向z轴正方向。

    Based on the directions of eyesight and the natural separating of two legs , the human 's orientation is adjusted to facing z positive direction .

  14. 地球每天自传时其北极被推离,并把自己的北极朝向了太阳和邻近的行星X(它就在太阳附近)。

    The N Pole of Earth is shoved away when the Earth rotates , daily , to present it to the Sun and the nearby Planet X which rides near the Sun .

  15. BIPV中光伏阵列朝向和倾角对性能影响理论研究

    Performance evaluation of PV arrays at different tilt angles and orientations in BIPV

  16. 把BP网络用于人脸朝向的识别,并且用一组单输出的子网络代替原来的BP网络,提高了人脸朝向的识别率。

    BP neural network is used for face orientation recognition and a sub network with a set of single export is replaced with formerly BP neural network to increase the accuracy of face orientation recognition .

  17. 随着Web服务的出现和发展,使得地理信息系统的平台形式正朝向基于Web服务的GIS、网格GIS、云GIS等方向发展,其内在动力为数据共享与功能互操作的需求。

    With the emergence and development of Web services , the GIS platform is headed for the direction of GIS based on Web service , Grid GIS and Cloud GIS , the inner power is the demand of data sharing and interoperation function .

  18. 在研究空气渗透耗热量和渗风量计算的基础上,分析了空气渗透朝向修正系数n的含义,确定了风的相关统计参数,推导了新的n值计算统计方法,并给出了相应的计算实例。

    Based on a study of calculating air infiltration and its incured heat loss , analyzes the meaning of the orientation correction factor ( n ), determines the related statistical parameters of wind , puts forward a new calculating method of n value and gives a corresponding example .

  19. 依据颜色不变量模型对彩色图像提取的颜色不变量,与观察位置、表面朝向、光照的方向、强度和Fresnel反射系数均无关。

    The extracted color invariants for color images based on color invariant model , has nothing to do with the observation position , surface orientation , illumination direction , intensity , and Fresnel reflection coefficient .

  20. Tonner容器有两个阀门。让容器朝向一定方向,使一个阀门在另一个阀门的上面。

    Tonner containers have two valves . The container is oriented so the valves are one above the other .

  21. 基于视皮层简单细胞的Gabor函数模型,仿照视皮层的朝向柱结构,并辅以模式增强和处理网络,构造了一个具有拟神经组织的边缘检测模型。

    Based on the Gabor function model of simple cortical cells , by imitating the structure of orientation columns in visual cortex , and aided by pattern enhancement and processing nets , a model for edge detection with neuron like organization is constructed .

  22. 部分资料和样品的初步分析表明,由于研究区域毗邻Lambert冰川和格罗夫山,冰面地形较多起伏,中段很大区域坡面朝向Lambert冰川。

    The primary results show that the surveyed terrain is undulatory due to its adjacence to the Lambert Glacier and Mount Grove , and its facing towards the Lambert Glacier in the middle section of the traverse .

  23. ATX电源线具有方向性,如此可避免使用者有插错方向之虞。如果我们使用自己的右手,我们将无法用中指朝向正确的方向。

    The ATX power connector is keyed for proper insertion . If we had used our right hand we would not have been able to point the middle finger in the correct direction .

  24. 本文将虹膜用圆来拟合,将上眼睑视为一段圆弧,研究并采用亚像素边缘检测方法检测亚像素级的虹膜边缘和基于梯度朝向和梯度方向信息的Hough变换的方法检测虹膜和眼睑。

    We fit the iris to a circle and regard the upper-eyelid as a section of circular arc . Then we use the method of sub-pixel detection to detect sub-pixel edge and the method of Hough transform based on gradient orientation and gradient direction to detect circle .

  25. 尽管文章认为中国专利制度并非朝向有利于中国公司的方向进行构建,但它表示最近“相对不知名的中国公司对苹果、三星(Samsung)和戴尔(Dell)等著名外国科技公司提起了大量广受关注的专利诉讼”。

    While the paper found that China 's patent system was not structured to benefit Chinese companies , it said there had been a number of recent " high-profile patent suits filed by relatively unknown Chinese firms against high-profile foreign tech companies like Apple , Samsung and Dell . "

  26. 可持续发展指标既是监测城市是否朝向可持续发展的工具,也是进行城市可持续发展决策的重要依据(世界经济论坛,2001;UNCSD,2001;Bossel,2001)。

    Sustainability indicators are tools for monitoring progress towards sustainable development and used for the formulation of efficient policies ( World Economic Forum , 2001 ; UNCSD , 2001 ; Bossel , 2001 ) .

  27. 设想该设施毗连且形成在第a.3.10节中说明的堤道管理建筑的一部分,堤道管理建筑将朝向本项目的端部修建。

    It is envisaged that this facility will be adjacent to , and form part of , the causeway management building which is described in section a.3.10 and which will be constructed towards the end of the project .

  28. 但是战斗朝向人口中心走的更近了。

    But the fighting is now moving closer to population centers .

  29. 什么因素阻止组织朝向成功?

    What factors prevent organizations from being oriented to achieve ?

  30. 火车朝向火烧的桥梁冲去而使我们惊慌。

    To our consternation the train rushed on toward the burning bridge .