
  1. 他在现代英国政坛上一直是位杰出的人物。

    He remains a towering figure in modern British politics

  2. 他是科学界杰出的人物。

    He is prominent in science .

  3. 去年,由分子生物学界最杰出的人物克莱格凡特(craigventer)领导的研究人员,使用实验室化学物质,合成了一套完整的细菌基因组细胞生存与繁殖所需的全部遗传指令。

    Researchers led by Craig Venter , the most prominent figure in molecular biology , last year synthesised an entire bacterial genome all the genetic instructions the cell needs to live and reproduce from laboratory chemicals .

  4. 挪威人的桎梏最终被两个杰出的人物所粉碎。

    At last the Norse yoke was broken by two remarkable men .

  5. 在战争期间他时常回想起那个杰出的人物。

    Very often during the war his mind reverted to that singular figure .

  6. 即使在人世间,伟大杰出的人物也永生不来。

    The great and good do not die , even in this world .

  7. 科莱特是法国文学史上一位杰出的人物。

    Colette is one of the most fascinating figures of French literary history .

  8. 某领域中的优秀的或杰出的人物

    Excellent or outstanding man in a particular field

  9. 黄胄(1925-1997)是一位富有创新精神的杰出的人物画家。

    Huang Zhou ( 1925-1997 ) was an excellent Chinese figure painter with a creative spirit .

  10. 在的二十年里,我有机会聘请许多杰出的人物并给建议。

    Over the past two decades I 've had the opportunity to advise and recruit many extraordinary individuals .

  11. 即使在人世间,伟大杰出的人物也永生不来。他们的精神被载入书册,传于四海。

    The great and good do not die , even in this world.Embalmed in books , their spirits walk abroad .

  12. 林肯的面貌有好多天萦绕在他的脑际,在战争期间他时常回想起那个杰出的人物。

    For days the face of Lincoln haunted him , and very often during the war his mind reverted to that singular figure .

  13. 贝多芬是世界音乐史上一位杰出的人物。

    Ludwig von Beethoven was one of the greatest composers as well as one of the outstanding figures in the history of music .

  14. 我这一生,深受先父薰陶。相信在座许多人也知道,先父在他身处的年代中,是个杰出的人物。

    For my life , I was very much influenced by my late father who as many of you know was an outstanding personality of his time .

  15. 马克尔最后引用了凯特·谢帕德的话作为结束语。凯特·谢帕德是新西兰女性选举权运动中最杰出的人物之一。

    Markle ended the speech by quoting the words of Kate Sheppard , who was one of the most eminent figures of the women 's suffrage movement in New Zealand .

  16. 在这场轰轰烈烈的运动中,涌现出无数杰出的人物,哈伊姆·魏兹曼就是其中不可或缺的一位伟人。魏兹曼把自己一生的大部分精力都奉献给了犹太复国主义事业。

    In this vigorous event , emergence of numerous prominent figures , Chaim Weizmann is one of the essential great man . Weizmann dedicated his most energy of his life to the Zionist cause .

  17. 昨天的战斗中也有几个人头马,确是最最杰出的人物:但我跟它们在一起还不能感到十分自在。

    Perhaps you haven 't seen any Centaurs yet ? There were some in the battle yesterday . Most remarkable people , but I can 't say I feel quite at home with them yet .

  18. 战事之前还是无名小辈的萨拉丁,战后却崭露头角,成为中世纪中东最杰出的人物之一。

    Before the campaigns it would be hard to find a figure more obscure than Saladin , but by their end he would emerge as one of the most prominent figures in the Medi Middle East .

  19. 莫里斯·拉威尔(MauriceRavel1875-1937)是法国印象派作曲家最杰出的代表人物之一。

    Maurice Ravel ( 1875-1937 ) is one of the most distinguished and representative composers in the French impressionism .

  20. 他是非常有声望的,一位杰出的时髦人物和金融家。

    He was very popular , a distinguished fashion figure as well as financier .

  21. 库淑兰是中国民间剪纸艺术杰出的代表人物之一,被誉为“剪花娘子”。

    Ku Shulan is one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese folk paper-cut art .

  22. 这样一个全面发展且在诸多领域皆有杰出贡献的人物,在文学史上也具有重要的地位。

    Such a comprehensive development in various fields and there are outstanding contributions to the figures in literary history also plays an important role .

  23. 对吴应箕这一杰出的历史人物,尽可能地进行较以往更为客观、全面的评价,从而予以应有的历史地位。

    About this outstanding historical figures , as far as possible , for more objective and comprehensive evaluation , and the historical position he deserves .

  24. 与他同时踏入社会的,有一大群年青人,人人都有希望成为国家未来杰出的领袖人物,(可惜)试做之后一一失败。

    In a host of young men that start together and promise so many brilliant leaders for the next age , each fails on trial ;

  25. 《认真的重要性》是十九世纪英国唯美主义最杰出的代表人物奥斯卡·王尔德的喜剧代表作,也是世界戏剧宝库中的一颗明珠。

    The Importance of Being Earnest is the representative play of Oscar Wilde , the great English writer and the leading figure of aestheticism in 19th century .

  26. 东汉才女班昭,在中国古代历史上,是一位典型而杰出的代表人物。

    Content : BanZhao who is a talented woman in the Eastern Han Dynasty is a typical and outstanding representative person in the history of ancient China .

  27. 李白、杜甫、苏轼是中国古代文学中最杰出的代表人物,他们独特的人格精神,在一定程度上代表了中国传统文化的三种理想人格状态。

    Li Bai , Du Fu and Su Shi are the most representative figures in ancient Chinese literature . Their special moral spirits represent three kinds of types of moral states of Chinese traditional culture to some extent .

  28. 隋代的绘画、音乐、舞蹈等各方面也涌现出一大批杰出的代表人物,如画家展子虔和他的《游春图》等。

    The painting , music , dancing in the Sui Dynasty sprang out and a number of outstanding artists emerged , such as painter , Zhan Ziqian and his picture M You Chun Tu M ( The picture of outing in Spring ) .

  29. 梅山文化区早期人类与大自然抗争中,为人类社会做出了杰出贡献的英雄人物,被尊称为梅山神,为群体。

    Meishan Gods are heroes , who made a brilliant contribution for human society in the process of fighting against the nature .

  30. 与此同时,有些杰出的科技领军人物警告称,该技术产生的后果是难以预料的。

    Some prominent tech leaders , meanwhile , warn that the consequences are unpredictable .