
  1. 在中国早期文明中,德具有伦理(ethic)和道德(moral)的双重含义。

    In the early civilization of China , De meant double of Ethic and Moral .

  2. 中国早期文明研究中的几个问题

    Several Questions on the Research on the Early Civilization of China

  3. 试论中国早期文明诸社会因素的物化表现

    On the Materialization of Social Elements of Early Chinese Civilization

  4. 这是中国早期文明的又一典型模式。

    This is another typical style of Chinese early civilization .

  5. 马克思、恩格斯文明理论与中国早期文明

    The Civilization Theory of Marx and Engels and the Early Civilization of China

  6. 原始家族与中国早期文明的发生

    Primitive Clans and the Origin of Chinese Initial Civilization

  7. 中国早期文明与社会福利的萌芽形态

    Chines Early Civilization and Social Welfare in Embryo

  8. 中原史前文化的优势&中国早期文明研究札记之一

    Superiority of Prehistoric Culture of Central Plains

  9. 本文提出了有关中国早期文明研究的几个问题:第一,对中国古代文明中相关文化的崩溃和消失现象应该予以重视和研究;

    The article puts forward three questions on the early civilization in China . First , the phenomenon of breakdown and disappear of the relative cultures of the archaic civilization of China should be attached importance to study ;

  10. 中国古代早期文明研究的思考

    Thought of Study on the Early Ancient Civilization of China

  11. 对房屋建筑遗存系统的分析和研究,将会丰富和充实商周史的研究,进而会促进对中国早期古代文明的研究。

    The analysis and research to the housing construction remains will be rich and substantiate to the research of Shang and Zhou dynasties , and then to encourage the studies of our early ancient civilizations .