
  1. 流水线装配车间生产计划中时区处理的研究

    Time Interval Analysis for the Production Planning of Assembly Line Shop

  2. 安装管理器无法从注册表中加载时区数据。将跳过时区设置。

    Setup Manager cannot load the time zone data from the registry . The time zone settings page will be skipped .

  3. 此文件包含在邮箱中不具有时区信息的用户的列表。

    This file contains the list of users who do not have time zone information in their mailbox .

  4. 为此,请在“windows时区”列表中单击与用户时区匹配的windows时区,然后单击“下一步”。

    To do this , click the windows time zone that matches the user time zone in the windows time zone list , and then click next .

  5. 从下表中选择您的时区。

    Select your time zone from the list below .

  6. 要了解utc与本地时间之间的时差,请使用“控制面板”中“日期和时间”工具中的“时区”选项卡。

    To find the difference between UTC and local time , use the time zone tab in the date and time tool in control panel .