
  • 网络Middle region;central region
  1. P2P环境中区域划分结构及其算法描述

    Districted Structure and Arithmetic Description in P2P

  2. 因此,含T1黄铁矿利用过程中区域性T1污染的防治已成了一个不容忽视的环境问题。

    So the area of Tl prevention and cure become one of a urgent environment problem .

  3. 已有的实验提示在其7个免疫球蛋白区域中区域3对于VEGF的结合贡献最突出。

    The extracellular region of KDR consists of seven immunoglobulin-like domains , and the experiments have shown that the domain 3 is necessary for high affinity binding to VEGF .

  4. 方法:设定组织均衡技术中区域及强度参数,以胸部正位标准图像DR、CR片做对照,以选定测试点为依据,对TE片及标准片、CR片进行测评。

    Methods : The parameters and the regions of the TE were setted , compared with the standard DR and CR image of chest PA , evaluate the TE images , standard images and CR images .

  5. 定性空间推理中区域连接演算的多维扩展

    Multi-Dimensional Extension for Region Connection Calculus in Qualitative Spatial Reasoning

  6. 子宫内膜癌术中区域性动脉灌注化疗的疗效观察

    Effect of intraoperative local arterial infusion chemotherapy for endometrial carcinoma

  7. 网页版面中区域几何信息的确定

    Ascertaining Geometrical Information of Areas in Web Page Layout

  8. 联合收割机速度对切割图中区域面积的影响

    The Influence from the Speed of Harvester to Triangle Area on Incise Diagram

  9. 边界元法中区域积分的降维计算方法

    Reducing dimensions of domain integration in boundary element method

  10. 地理学中区域概念的分析

    An Analysis of the Regional Concept in Geography

  11. 胰头癌根治术中区域性淋巴结清扫的应用价值探讨

    Value of regional lymph nodes cleaning in radical surgery of carcinoma of pancreas head

  12. 强震孕育过程中区域应变场信息动态演化的阶段性特征

    Episodic characteristics of areal strain field information dynamic evolution in the strong seismic process

  13. 混合交通流视频检测中区域选择更新混合高斯背景模型研究

    Research Region Selective Update Mixture Gaussian Background Model In Hybrid Traffic Flow Video Detection Process

  14. 第五章是对结果中区域的巨大差异的原因分析。

    Chapter V is a result of the huge differences in the region cause analysis .

  15. 对R~n中区域D引入了一种特征参数αD。

    A characteristic parameter α _D of a domain D in R ~ n is introduced .

  16. 复合生态系统中区域环境质量可持续发展能力的综合评价

    The comprehensive evaluation on capacity of sustainable development of regional environmental quality in the compound ecological system

  17. 在自然因素中区域的水资源来量最为重要,研究区的缺水是资源性缺水。2、建立了水资源优化配置模型和承载力模型。

    The optimize distribution model of bearing capacity of water resources were established and forecast the bearing capacity of water resources in research areas .

  18. 首先根据一般地图中区域要素的结构和颜色特点,利用统计的方法实现区域规范化,这一步基本上不需要人工干预;

    Based on the characteristics of frame and color of area on the map , a statistic method is applied to normalize the area automatically .

  19. 此外,针对算法对起始位置敏感的问题,提出了起始位置扫描法,保证了水印嵌入和提取中区域分割的一致性。

    Besides , considering that the algorithm is sensitive to starting position , starting position scanning method is proposed to guarantee the consistence of region division between watermark embedding and retrieving .

  20. 为定量反映旅游发展过程中区域经济、社会和环境三个方面的协调程度,本文以旅游可持续发展的定量评价方法为基础,构建了区域旅游发展协调度的计算公式。

    Based on the quantitative evaluation method for tourism sustainable development , a mathematic formula is presented in order to analyze the regional development status quantitatively with the influence of tourism development .

  21. 在自然和人为作用的双重驱动下,地球表面氮素的生物地球化学过程及其环境效应成为当前全球变化中区域研究的重要内容。

    Driven by both nature and human function , the biogeochemical course of nitrogen on earth surface and its environmental effect has become a significant content of regional research in current global change .

  22. 但目前大部分研究成果以城镇化率的测算和城镇化水平的提高措施为研究重点,忽略了城镇化过程中区域所付出的经济成本。

    However , nowadays researchers ignored the economic cost of urbanization , but turn to put the key point of research on estimation of the rate of urbanization and the way to increase the level of urbanization .

  23. 小波分解的重力场图像能较清晰地反映地震孕育、发生过程中区域性重力趋势变化和震中地区深部物质密度变化引起的异常。

    The dynamic patterns of gravity field through the multi-scale wavelet decomposition mirror clearly the tendentious local gravity variation and the anomalies caused by the material density variation in the depth of focal region during the seismogenic process of these earthquakes .

  24. 在此基础上,使用空间固定效应模型对1985-2004年中国省级区域经济增长及其收敛性进行了实证分析,发现条件收敛是非常可靠的经验结论,同时验证了增长过程中区域外溢显著存在。

    Based on the above models and methods , an empirical analysis of China 's provincial growth over 1985-2004 is carried out . The results reveal that conditional convergence is a very reliable empirical conclusion , and prove that regional spillovers exist significantly during the process of growth .

  25. 这是刺激大脑中听觉区域的人造装置。

    It 's an artificial device which stimulates the auditory areas of the brain .

  26. 他们大脑中特定区域的灰白质含量很可能更高。

    They are likely to come with larger volumes of white and grey matter in certain areas of the brain .

  27. RoughSet中正区域的若干性质

    Some properties of positive regions in Rough Set

  28. GIS中模糊区域的形式化描述方法探讨

    On Formalization Methods of Describing Fuzzy Region in GIS

  29. 利用MATLAB计算切割图中三区域的面积值

    Computation Numerical Value about Three Regions ' area in Cutting Graph by Using MATLAB

  30. 箱包DR图像中可疑区域自动判别算法研究

    Algorithm Study on Automatically Discerning Suspicious Region in Luggage DR Image