
zhōnɡ xìnɡ tǔ
  • neutral soil
  1. 2钾细菌能使40%酸性土样中的Zn元素发生轻度活化,其余酸性及中性土样中的Zn元素固定;

    The silicate bacteria could make zine element dissolve slightly in 40 % of the acid soil samples . Zine element in the other acid and neutral soil samples had been fixed .

  2. 结果表明,3种菜园土以酸性土上莴笋适应性最好,中性土次之,微酸性土生长最差。

    Lettuce was shown to be most adaptable to acid vegetable soil , followed in sequence by neutral soil and slightly acid soil .

  3. 而生长于不同酸碱性土壤上的盾叶薯蓣薯蓣皂苷元含量差异很大,最高为中性土,其次为酸性土,最低为碱性土。

    There was obvious difference in different PH soil . The content of diosgenin was the highest in neutral soil , higher in acid soil , lowest in alkali soil .

  4. 通过平衡振荡法研究毒死蜱在中性紫色土腐殖酸(HA)上的吸附。

    Adsorption of chlorpyrifos on humic acid ( HA ) of neutral purple soil was studied through balance vibration method .

  5. 在一定pH条件下,石灰性紫色土、中性紫色土、酸性紫色土对同种重金属离子的吸附强度依次降低,与其表面电荷密度的大小相一致;

    With a certain pH , the three soils absorbed the same heavy metal with strength in the order of calcareous purplish soils > neutral > acidic , which is in line with the order in surface charge density ;

  6. 此外,土壤类型不同,根际细菌和放线菌的数量也不一样,黄壤>黄色石灰土>中性紫色土,黄壤和中性紫色之间的差异达到显著水平(p<0.05)。

    In addition , the amount of rhizosphere bacteria and actinomycetes differed among soil types in accordance with yellow earth yellow rendzina neutral purplish soil . Moreover , Significant differences of rhizosphere bacteria and actinomycetes were found between yellow earth and neutral purplish soil ( p0.05 ) .

  7. 通过四川酸性紫色土、中性紫色土,石灰性紫色土中不同浓度的Cd、Cu、Pb、As对水稻根系过氧化物酶的影响研究,揭示了过氧化物酶受抑制与产生抗性的过程。

    The influences of Cd , Cu , Pb and As on peroxidase of rice roots in violet soils of acidic , neutral and alkaline were studied and it was shown that the peroxidase underwent the processes of inhibition and producing resistance .

  8. 因此,中性紫色土棉花施氯临界值为800ppm。

    Therefore , the critical value of tolerance to Cl ~ & concentration of cotton on neutral purple soil may be about 800 ppm .

  9. 本文对中性减土金属(NAEM)盐催化的碱性亚硫酸钠溶液中添加蒽醌和甲醇法制浆(ASAM+NAEM)进行了研究。

    A new pulping method , neutral alkali earth metal ( NAEM ) salts catalyzed alkaline sulfite anthraquinone method ( ASAM ), has been studied in this paper .

  10. 在中性紫色土上,小麦耐土壤氯的浓度为250~500ppm。

    The critical values of tolerance to Cl concentrations for wheat on neutral and calcareous purple soil were estimated to be 500 ppm and 200-400 ppm , respectively .

  11. 毒死蜱农药在中性紫色土腐殖酸上的吸附

    Adsorption of chlorpyrifos pesticide on humic acid of neutral purple soil

  12. 中性水稻土中的铁解及其影响

    Ferrolysis in neutral paddy soil and its influence

  13. 3种土壤以中性紫色土育苗效果最好;

    Of the 3 soils studied , neutral purple soil appeared to be the best .

  14. 中性紫色土水稻锌和氮磷钾配比的研究

    Studies on the optimum combinations of NPK with Zn for rice on neutral purple soil

  15. 中性紫色土施氮对小麦氮素吸收利用及产量和品质的影响

    Effect of N Application on N Utilization and Yield-Quality of Wheat in the Neutral Purple Soil

  16. 因此,与碱性盐渍土相比,黄顶菊对中性盐渍土具有较强的适应性。

    Thus , there were stronger resistance and adaptability of F. bidentis to neutral saline soil compared to alkaline saline soil .

  17. 在不同土壤中,真菌的数量差异未达显著水准,但仍存在中性紫色土>黄壤>黄色石灰土的趋势。

    Even though no significant variation of fungal amount was observed among three soils , there still existed the tendency : i.e. neutral purplish soils > yellow earths > yellow rendzina .

  18. 在中性紫色土上,大豆适宜的土壤氯浓度为100~600ppm,耐氯临界值为600~700ppm。

    The critical value of Cl tolerance of soybean is 600 to 700 ppm in the neutral purple soil . The suitable Cl concentration of the soil is 100 to 600 ppm .

  19. 吸附速率顺序为:灰棕潮土>紫色潮土>中性紫色土>黄壤>酸性紫色土。解吸动力学规律与吸附过程相类似。

    The order of the maximal amount of Hg ~ ( 2 + ) adsorption was : purple alluvial soil > neutral purple soil > yellow soil > grey-brown alluvial soil > acid purple soil .

  20. 选择贵州省三种典型的植烟土壤&中性紫色土、黄壤和黄色石灰土为对象,研究了烤烟根际微生物群落结构及其动态变化。

    Yellow earth , yellow rendzina and neutral purplish soil are typical soils for tobacco cultivation in Guizhou province and selected for studying community structures of microorganisms and their dynamics in the rhizosphere of flue-cured tobacco .

  21. 试验选择贵州省三种典型、具有代表性的植烟土壤为研究对象,它们是砂岩发育的黄壤、石灰岩发育的黄色石灰土和泥岩发育的中性紫色土。

    Three typical and representative tobacco cultivated soils were selected from Guizhou province for experiment , which were yellow earths derived from sandstone , yellow rendzina from limestone and neutral purplish soils from mudstone , respectively .

  22. 采用裂区设计,田间生物试验的方法,研究了磷酸二氢钾铵不同用量及不同施用方法在中性紫色土上对水稻的营养效应。

    The split plot design was adopted in a field biological experiment to study the influence of different rates and application methods of chemosynthetic compound fertilizer on the nutritional status of paddy rice in a neutral purple soil .

  23. 在中性紫色土上,蚕豆耐氯临界值为400~500mg/kg。

    The critical value of Cl tolerance of broad bean is 400 mg / kg to 500 mg / kg in the neutral purple soil . The suitable Cl concentration of the soil is 50 mg / kg to 400 mg / kg .

  24. 酸性与石灰性紫色土中水稻分别在含铅量1000、2000mg/kg时出现明显受害,中性紫色土在4000mg/kg时亦无明显影响。

    Significant injury was found in rice growing in acid and calcareous purple soils at 1000 and 2000 rng / kg Pb , respectively . However , no significant injury was found in neutral purple soil at Ph up to 4000mg / kg .

  25. 吸附容量与速率和还原容量与速率均为酸性紫色土>中性紫色土>石灰性紫色土.表明酸性紫色土对6价铬的还原能力和吸附能力最强,铬的毒性降低最快。

    Its adsorption capacity and velocity , however , were different in the soils : acid purple soil neutral purple soil calcareous purple soil , indicating that the toxicity of Cr (ⅵ) declines most rapidly in acid purple soil , which possesses the highest reduction and adsorption ability of Cr.

  26. 该区土壤pH值在4.8~7.1之间,平均为6.0,呈微酸性~中性,各土类间pH值变化不大。

    Soil pH values in the areas were on the average of 6.0 , between 4.87.1 , was slightly acidic to neutral response .

  27. 用中性液体测定土的比重

    Measurement of Soil 's Specific Gravity with Neutral Liquid