
  1. 杉木林截留对降水化学的影响

    Effects of canopy interception by Chinese fir forests on Precipitation Chemistry

  2. 林冠截留的降水除近0.3%以树干茎流的形式输入林内外,其他全部被蒸发消耗。

    Most intercepted precipitation vaporizes except 0.3 % of it enters into the forest in the form of stem flow .

  3. 林冠截留与降水强度的关系也非常密切:降雨雨强越小,林冠截留量越大,林冠截留率越高。

    The relationship between rainfall intensity and interception by canopy is also very osculation . The rainfall intensity diminishes with the increase of rainfall and interception by canopy .

  4. 植物措施对地表水资源的调节是通过其对天然降水分配性质的改变而实现的,森林林冠截留的降水量约占降水量的10%~40%。

    Land surface water resources regulation by plant is realized through changing rainfall distribution features , rain interception by forest canopy makes up 10 % to 40 % of total rainfall .

  5. 枫香人工林林冠截留对降水水量输入的影响红麻冠层发育光能截获及群体生长的关系分析

    The Influence of Liquidambar formosana Plantation Crown-interception Upon Its Input Volume of Precipitation Water Analysis on the relationship between the canopy developing and photo-energy utilizing as well as population growing in kenaf

  6. 浓密的植被的叶子中能截留大量的降水。

    Heavy vegetation may intercept a large amount of precipitation on its leaves .

  7. 在一定的降水量范围内,林冠对降水的截留量随着降水量的增加而增加,不同的雨量级,林冠截留量变化的趋势曲线不同,且一次截留降水量饱和值约为25mm;

    It was shown that the amount of canopy interception increased with the increasing of precipitation , but having various tendency for different precipitation intensity classes . However , the critical canopy interception for precipitation event was about 25 mm .

  8. 林冠截留与大气降水关系的数学模型

    Modelling on the relationship between rainfall and interception of forest canopy

  9. 青海云杉林林冠截留与大气降水的关系

    The relationship between rainfall and interception by canopy of Picea crassifolia forest

  10. 林冠截留量与降水量和林分密度呈正相关。

    The canopy rainfall interception of sympodial bamboo stand has a positive relationship with both precipitation and stand density ;

  11. 结果表明:在该林分中透流、干流和树冠截留均与降水量密切相关。

    The results indicate that throughfall , stemflow and canopy interception in that stand were all closely correlated with the rainfall in that period .

  12. 并建立了各参数具有实际水文学意义的林冠截留、林内降水与大气降水的预测模型。

    The forcast models of forest canopy interception , rainfall under tree crown and open air rainfall have also been established according to parameters with practical hydrological meanings .

  13. 浓密的植被的叶子中能截留大量的降水。阔叶树截留降雨试验与模型&以色木槭为例

    Heavy vegetation may intercept a large amount of precipitation on its leaves . An Experiment and Model of Interception by Broad_Leaved Tree : a Case Study of Acer mono

  14. 林冠截留量与降雨量之间具有极显著的幂函数关系。枫香人工林林冠截留对降水水量输入的影响

    The relationship between precipitation and the canopy interception is a power regression . The Influence of Liquidambar formosana Plantation Crown-interception Upon Its Input Volume of Precipitation Water