
jié duàn
  • truncation;cut;cut off;block;interrupt;truncature
截断 [jié duàn]
  • (1) [cut]∶切断

  • 高温的火焰能截断钢板

  • (2) [interrupt]∶打断;拦住

  • 电话铃声截断了他的话

  • (3) [block;cut off]∶隔断

截断[jié duàn]
  1. 敌人的退路已被截断。

    The enemy 's line of retreat was cut off .

  2. 探测激光等离子体电子温度的一种新方法受激Raman散射光谱的短波截断

    A new method for detection of the electron temperature in laser-plasma short wave cut off stimulated Raman scattering spectrum

  3. 一旦养虾场建起来,将会截断这条河流。

    When the shrimp farm is built it will block the stream

  4. 他的一条腿不得不从膝部以上截断。

    He had to have one leg amputated above the knee .

  5. 军队打算占领该城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。

    The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission .

  6. 大坝把河水拦腰截断。

    The dam cuts the river in the middle .

  7. 截断的喷管具有较大的推力。

    The truncated nozzle is found to have a higher thrust .

  8. 电话铃声截断了他的话。

    He was interrupted by the telephone .

  9. 溪流被坝截断了。

    A stream was dammed up .

  10. 其他物质则吸收光线,将光线的路径截断。

    Others absorb light , stopping it dead in its tracks .

  11. 截断事务日志将删除事务日志中不活动的条目

    Truncating the transaction log will remove inactive entries from the transaction log .

  12. 是否要截断事务日志?

    Do you want to truncate the transaction log ?

  13. 这个截断的过程叫做往下舍入

    The process of truncating is called rounding down .

  14. 对不起,文本太长了,无法进行编辑。将其截断到255个字符吗?

    Sorry , the text is too long to edit.Truncate it to 255 characters ?

  15. 公用和城建等单位在修建道路以及停电、停水、截断通信线路时有可能影响消防队灭火救援的,必须事先通知当地公安消防机构。

    Public utility units or urban construction units , when building road and cutting off power , water supply and communication lines that may affect fire brigade in fire fighting and rescue work , must inform local public security fire control institutions in advance .

  16. 计算结果表明,半导体断路开关的截断过程首先发生在p区。

    The results show that the opening process starts first at the p-type region .

  17. Box样条的多元截断函数表示

    Representations of box splines by truncated powers

  18. 截断伪影长期已来一直是部分K空间数据图像重构所遇到的主要问题。

    The truncation artifact has long been a hindrance to the image reconstruction .

  19. 讨论了精细时程积分法中离散间隔τ、截断阶数M和二分阶数N的优化问题。

    The optimum seeking of the truncation order M , and 2-division order N were discussed in this paper .

  20. 餐具截断机的PLC控制系统设计

    Design of Bowl-cutter PLC Control System

  21. 截断线性模型的Fourier变换估计

    Fourier Transform Estimation of the Truncated Linear Model

  22. 在这个模型下,人们需要用截断数据估计X的分布函数F。

    A problem of interest is the estimation of the distribution function F of X with the truncated data .

  23. trim:如果它设置为true,就会截断包含空格的输入文本。

    Trim : If set to true , this trims the entered text if any spaces .

  24. 概率截断对PSA中RAW重要度的影响研究

    Study on the effect of probability truncation limit on probabilistic safety assessment RAW for importance measures

  25. PCNA指数截断点定为25%。

    The cutoff point of PCNA index was set at 25 % .

  26. 一种用Kalman滤波减小位场谱分析截断影响的方法

    A method to reduce the finite & length effect by Kalman filtering in spectral analysis of potential fields

  27. 如果标签的长度设置不当而导致转换后的表单中有一些标签被截断,请启用Usedefaultwidthandheight选项。

    Enable the Use default width and height option if in the converted form some labels are truncated because an insufficient length is set for the label .

  28. 基于DSP技术和整周期自适应采样算法实现了信号的倍频采样,有效地提高了计算速度,避免了谱泄漏和截断误差。

    Based on DSP and full period sampling method the sampling of double frequency is realized , and calculating precision is improved effectively .

  29. 当另外一个进程试图将你正在传输的文件截断时,内核会向你的进程发送实时信号&RTSIGNALLEASE。

    When another process tries to truncate the file you are transmitting , the kernel sends you a real-time signal , the RT_SIGNAL_LEASE signal .

  30. 首先,本文利用相位抖动技术来抑制DDS相位截断误差。

    First , we employ phase-dithering method .