
jié jī
  • volley;intercept;interception;collision
截击 [jié jī]
  • [intercept] 在中途截住攻击

  • 截击敌军

截击[jié jī]
  1. 一种先进模式的奈克Ⅲ式导弹被设计用于截击入侵导弹。

    An advanced model , the Nike-Zeus , is designed to intercept invading missiles .

  2. 导弹截击数据采集系统

    Missile intercept data acquisition system

  3. 他用反手截击球。

    He played a backhand volley .

  4. 持枪歹徒在他去机场的路上截击了他。

    Gunmen intercepted him on his way to the airport

  5. 在第二局中,麦克尼尔对球的截击更加成功。

    McNeil volleyed more effectively in the second set .

  6. 随着比赛的进行,两年前曾经在同一片场地战胜过费德勒的桑普拉斯开始发力,发出一记ACE和一个漂亮的截击拿下了第二盘比赛,将比赛拖入抢十。

    Sampras , who beat Roger Federer at the same venue in an exhibition two years ago , bounced back in the second set , serving an ace and using a delicate pickup volley to draw even .

  7. 蒙特卡洛法的截击空战仿真

    Simulation of Interception in Air Combat based on Monte Carlo Method

  8. 美国又出现一起截击导弹故障事例。

    Once again , something wrong happened to an American interception missile .

  9. 海警截击作战最优策略模拟研究

    A Simulation Study About the Optimum Tactics of Intercepting Search

  10. 歼击机碰撞引导截击效能的影响因素分析

    Affecting factors of fighter 's interception efficiency in collision-course guidance

  11. 太好了!她截击了那个球。

    Great ! She returned the ball on the volley .

  12. 很少有一种击球比低位截击更具挑战性。

    Few shots are as challenging as the low volley .

  13. 浅析花剑中的截击技术的重要性

    Analysis on the Importance of Volley Skills in Fleuret

  14. 最佳的正手截击应该是让拍头横扫过身体而不是向前送得更多。

    The best forehand volleys are hit across the body rather than forward .

  15. 她正手截击球未过网。

    She hit a forehand volley into the net .

  16. 我尽力截击球来反击你。

    I tried to volley it back to you .

  17. 他截击空中球时的时机掌握得很好。

    His timing when he volleys is so good .

  18. 截击技术运用比较高,但是失分率也比较高。

    Interceptor technology use is high , but losing a relatively high rate .

  19. 之前一个球,反手截击,我也很满意。

    Also the point before , the backhand smash , that was great .

  20. 他截击了那个球。

    He returned the ball on the volley .

  21. 网球截击技术要点分析及训练方法

    Technique of Tennis Volley and Its Training Methods

  22. 对他昨天的网前截击有何看法?

    Any comment about his volleying last night ?

  23. 花剑防御技术中的半路截击

    Defensive Technique of Half-way Interception in Foil

  24. 在截击技术上,优秀选手的预判和脚下移动更好。

    In the interception technology , outstanding players and the foot movement and better pre-judgment .

  25. 攻击紧跟着反攻击;我尽力截击球来反击你。

    Thrust was followed by counter-thrust ; I tried to volley it back to you .

  26. 歼击机引导阶段的完成情况直接影响截击效能。

    The fighter 's interception efficiency is directly affected by the result of the guidance process .

  27. 截击在球触地以前击(如网球)

    To strike ( a tennis ball , for example ) before it touches the ground .

  28. 有时选手在向网前作趋进截击时球要么在身体前方偏远的位置要么在你身体一侧偏远的位置;

    Sometimes players lunge and hit too far in front or to the side of their bodies ;

  29. 假设您能用手接球,您就能轻易学会截击。

    If you can catch a tennis ball with your hand , you can learn volley easily .

  30. 他们在途中遭到截击并被带到普加乔夫那里,彼得说服了这位叛乱首领让玛利亚到奥伦堡去。

    Intercepted and taken before Pougatcheff , Peter persuaded the rebel to give Maria safe conduct to Orenburg .