
  1. 随着比赛的进行,两年前曾经在同一片场地战胜过费德勒的桑普拉斯开始发力,发出一记ACE和一个漂亮的截击拿下了第二盘比赛,将比赛拖入抢十。

    Sampras , who beat Roger Federer at the same venue in an exhibition two years ago , bounced back in the second set , serving an ace and using a delicate pickup volley to draw even .

  2. 他们的粉丝不仅人数众多,而且热情似火;今年二月,他们北美巡回演唱会门票刚一放出,粉丝们就蜂拥而上,短短5分钟内,抢光所有十场演唱会的门票。

    They boast passionate , numerous fans who snatched up tickets to the band 's first North American headlining tour , a 10-date visit that sold out in less than five minutes in February .