
  • 网络Ball;tackle;steal;challenge for the ball
  1. 球员们互相揪扯着抢球。

    The players tussled with each other for the ball .

  2. 那个运动员去抢球,抢到了手。

    The player made a snatch at the ball and caught it .

  3. 联赛裁判基思·库珀在上半场因他与守门员抢球犯规而对他记名警告。

    League referee Keith Cooper booked him in the first half for a tussle with the goalie .

  4. 男子的可以通过身体冲撞去抢球。

    Men can attack and bodycheck to get the ball .

  5. “他不只是个抢球者,”他说。

    " He 's more than just a tackler ," he says .

  6. 哦,您是控制它空中抢球的。

    Oh , you control its midair ball-snatching movement .

  7. 抢球技术是拼抢篮板球能力的核心因素;

    Hold ball technology to strive for the ball basketball key factor of ability ;

  8. 令这位30岁球员沮丧的是,回放慢动作显示他抢球是不犯规的。

    Frustratingly for the30 – year-old , replays suggested Carrick won the ball fairly .

  9. 球员们在抢球。

    The players scrambled for the ball .

  10. 一种控制球或从对方抢球的熟练动作。

    A skillful maneuver in catching balls or in stealing the ball from the opposing team .

  11. 尤其是用硬犯规,抢球动作,一般下降。

    This is particularly true with hard fouls , loose ball dives , and general falls .

  12. 接下来的几周他再做一些强度更大的拦截抢球训练效果会更好。

    The next couple of weeks will be good for him to tackle exercises with more intensity .

  13. 中场传球能力强大,唯一的弱点是缺少一个能抢球的。

    The midfield is full of guile and passing ability , the only weakness being a possible lack of a ball-winner .

  14. 虽然马丁为爱德华多在冲撞中受伤感到非常狂躁不安,但是马丁当时是在抢球。

    Martin was extremely sorry for the injury that Eduardo sustained in the challenge , but Martin went for the ball .

  15. 两队的机器人选手相互抢球,带球最终被具有流线形设计的另一机器人抢断。

    Two mechanical players on each team dribbled , kicked and passed the ball around while a faired robot defended the goal .

  16. 里奥给我们带来平衡,就像是劳斯莱斯,维迪奇抢球能力很强。

    We have a good balance here with Rio , who is like the Rolls-Royce , and Vidic , who attacks the ball so well .

  17. 这一进球将被人们牢记在心,象征了一个年轻人为抢球跃身而起,这也是一次生命的挑战。

    The goal will be remembered as a symbol of a young man rising to meet a soccer ball - and the challenge of a lifetime .

  18. 昨晚比赛的激烈程度,我想大家都有目共睹。从一开始到结束,犯规就没有停过,尼克斯像拼了命那样的抢球,这着实让我们感到有点心惊胆战。

    It was a wild , wild game from start to finish with the fouls , the Knicks playing all desperate and the injuries that we had on our team .

  19. 任何一种用球的运动(圆形或椭圆形)两队尽力去踢球或抢球。

    Any of various games played with a ball ( round or oval ) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other 's goal .

  20. 16例病人经及时抢球,在30-90分钟内,心率、血压等重要生命体征完全恢复正常。3例特殊病例经输血、急诊心包引流术、急诊动脉缝合手术处理,病情均稳定。

    16 cases were successfully rescued in 30-90 minutes , the heart rate , blood pressure recovered thoroughly , also recovered the other 3 specific cases after acute blood transfusion and acute surgical treatments .

  21. 我有时候也让里奥去抢球,但他太快了,是个伟大的比赛阅读者。所以我搭档他的时候抢球更多。

    I sometimes let Rio do that too but he 's so quick and is a great reader of the game , so I tend to attack the ball a bit more when I 'm with him .

  22. 曼联还试图购买米兰的加图索,福格森曾表示他想要一个中场抢球者,但是把新人看作为基恩的接班人是不公平的。

    By trying to buy milan 's Gennaro gattuso , Ferguson has shown he would like a ball-winner to complement the deep-lying but less destructive carrick , so to regard the new man as a replacement for Roy Keane would be unfair .

  23. 他抢球时,踢的飞快,有时另一队的队员来强球时,他就做个假动作,让那个队员摔了个大屁股墩,笑得我们肚子都疼了!

    He grabbed the ball , playing very fast , and sometimes the other team players to strong ball , he will make a fake action , let the players fell off a big butt pier , laugh too we tummy ache !

  24. 为避免球落入对方手中,队员一般以高空传球的方式进攻,对手此时会尽力抢球并往回扔,努力赢回失去的阵地并逼退进攻的队伍。

    One team then threw the ball over the other and tried to advance as their opponents recovered . The second team grabbed the ball and threw it back , trying to make up any lost ground and push the other players back .

  25. 我经常和一只德国牧羊犬一起玩球,它身材高大魁梧,总想从我手中抢球,那可没这么容易,我一下钻到椅子下面,哈哈,他就是够不到我。

    We played ball in his yard and he is soooo much bigger than me , he always want to snatch the ball away from me but I always get it and run under a bench so that he cannot get me hee hee .

  26. 背身持球时,绝大部分球员选择控球摆脱,突破次数少但成功率高;防守主要靠限制转身和抢球,抢球成功率很低。

    When the player with the ball back to the defender , most players chooses evasive , the quantity is small but the success rate is high . Defense mainly relays on restricting turnaround and challenging , but the success rate of challenging is very low .

  27. 这时对方球队投篮不中,我们的中锋随即抢下球来,于是我们就传球直到拖完全部时间。

    Then after the other team missed a shot , our center grabbed the ball so we could pass it around to kill the clock until all the time was gone .

  28. 浅析现代足球运动中抢断球技术的运用第12届欧锦赛抢、断球技术运用情况的统计分析

    The Modern Football Sport of Shallow Inside Robs to Break the Technical Application of Bal1s ; Analyses of Picking off and Challenging for the Ball in the 12th European Football Cup

  29. (双打)抢打同伴的球一种打击打倒对手的脚。

    A blow that knocks the opponent off his feet .

  30. (双打)抢打同伴的球用网球拍打网球的动作。

    The act of hitting a tennis ball with a tennis racket .