
  • 网络Section Modulus;section factor;modulus of section
  1. 受条件限制主梁不适宜采用大截面系数和大惯性矩;

    As restricted by conditions , large cross section factor and large moment of inertia are not adequate to be adopted on the main sill ;

  2. 该文给出了用加强截面系数法加强架空输水管道的设计方法及其计算过程,并用实例说明了用此种方法加强管道的有效性和合理性。

    The paper gives design method for strengthened elevated water supply pipeline with enlarged section modulus and its computation process . Taking a practical example , the rationality and validity of pipeline strengthening with this method are expounded .

  3. 一种L形活塞环截面系数的计算方法

    Calculational Methods of Shape Piston Ring Section Coefficient

  4. 金属立体目标的广义和狭义等效辐射截面系数

    General and special equivalent radiometric section coefficients of metal solid objects

  5. 钢构件截面系数与防火涂料耐火性能的关系

    Relation between section modulus of steel and fire resistance performance of fire-proof coating

  6. 在截面系数相同的情况下,可节约材料11%-1842%。

    And material 1.1 % - 18.42 % could be economized under the condition of the same section coefficient .

  7. 计算的结果证明用狭义和广义等效辐射截面系数来计算立体金属目标的天线温度对比度是可行的。

    The results proved that it was feasible to count the ATC of metal solid objects by using its special and general ERSC .

  8. Zr-4管截面收缩系数的测量方法

    A measurement method of the cross-sectional reduction coefficient of Zr-4 tubes

  9. 文中还给出了截面扭转系数以及压电陶瓷细棒扭转振动的机电耦合系数等概念。

    Rod in torsional vibration were also introduced .

  10. 圆钢管混凝土截面延性系数

    Ductility coefficients of concrete-filled steel tubular sections

  11. 碳纤维布粘贴双筋钢筋混凝土T形梁截面延性系数计算

    Calculating ductility coefficient of section of double reinforced concrete T-beams bonded with carbon fiber reinforced plastics

  12. 在此基础上,进一步通过定义截面形状系数,将这一显式求解方法推广至T形及更为一般性的截面形式。

    Furthermore , the explicit formula is applied to beams with T-shaped section or even general section by using an additional section shape factor .

  13. 结果表明:切屑等效厚度的变化将引起切屑中性层位置改变,使得切屑截面形状系数变化,此乃切屑折断的主要原因。

    Researching results show that variation of equivalent chip thickness will change the position of chip neutral plane . Then it causes the change of coefficient of chip section profile .

  14. 在桁架模型的基础上,引入了考虑石膏板影响的截面换算系数,对石膏板、混凝土协同工作的机理进行了分析。

    Considering the influence of the plasterboard to shear capacity , a section conversion coefficient is introduced to the truss-model . With the truss-model , the mechanism that concrete works together with plasterboard is analyzed .

  15. 截面损伤系数除了能反映截面损伤的程度外,还能方便地用于计算锈蚀后截面刚度、梁的挠度等,具有很好的实用价值。

    Excepting reflecting the damage level , the sectional damage coefficient can be easily used to calculate section stiffness of corrosion section , flexibility of beams etc. Consequently , it has a rather good usage value .

  16. 对于悬索桥主塔这样的高耸结构物,静风响应计算的关键是对塔身截面阻力系数的确定,本文通过规范方法、风洞试验和数值模拟分别进行了研究。

    For aerostatic response analysis on high-rise structure like a suspension bridge pylon , it is critical to determine the drag coefficient of pylon section . Generally , there are three methods : standard method , wind tunnel test and numerical simulation .

  17. A1Ⅺ共振电离截面和速率系数

    Resonance ionization cross sections and rate coefficients of Al Xi

  18. KORP-1是用于计算直接(n,p)或(p,n)反应的微分截面及其勒让德系数和积分截面的程序。

    KORP-1 is used to calculated the direct ( n , p ) or ( p , n ) reaction differential cross section and its Legendre coefficients as well as the integral cross section .

  19. 介绍了表面粗糙系数(RS)及截面线波动系数(RL)的概念及它们之间的关系。

    The definitions of the parameters of surface roughness coefficient ( R_S ) and profile roughness coefficient ( R_L ) as well as the relationship between them are introduced in the present paper .

  20. 在库仑坡恩交换近似及被我们改进了屏蔽常数定义和算法的Z标度类氢模型下,计算了类锂钙离子被电子碰撞的共振电离截面和速率系数。

    The resonance ionization cross sections and rate coefficients for electron impact on Li-like Ca have been obtained by using Coulomb-Born exchange approximation and Z-scaled hydrogenic model in which the definition and evaluation of the screening constant were improved .

  21. 钢筋混凝土矩形柱截面曲率延性系数概率分析

    Probability analysis for curvature ductility factor of square-confined reinforced concrete columns

  22. 双光子湮灭吸收截面和吸收系数

    Absorption Cross Section and Absorption Coefficient of the γ - γ Annihilation

  23. 铝合金轴心受压构件截面不对称性系数研究

    Theoretical study on the reduced coefficient of asymmetrical cross-section for aluminium columns

  24. 预应力高耸塔筒结构截面刚度系数的探讨

    The Discussion of Stiffness Coefficient about Prestressed Highrise Tower - Silo Structures

  25. 对钢筋混凝土偏压杆件偏心距增大系数中截面曲率修正系数的讨论

    Evaluation of Sectional Curvature Modification Factor Included in the Eccentricity Magnifier of RC Eccentrically Compressed Members

  26. 研究了内壳层电子电离对截面和速率系数的影响。

    The influ - 'ences of inner-shell electron ionization on cross sections and rate coefficients have been researched .

  27. 星际分子正-NH3和He的超精细跃迁碰撞截面和速率系数的理论计算

    Theoretical calculations of the collision cross sections and rate coefficients for the hyperfine transitions of interstellar molecular ortho-nh_3 colliding with he

  28. 本文对钢筋砼受弯构件的延性进行分析和讨论,提出了截面曲率延性系数的计算公式。

    By analysing and discussing the ductility of reinforced concrete beams under flexure , the author gives formula for calculating curvature ductility index of section .

  29. 通过高强混凝土剪力墙的试验结果与计算结果的对比分析,表明本文提出的剪力墙截面曲率延性系数计算方法的可靠性和有效性。

    The comparison between test results and theoretical results indicated that the calculation method of shear wall section curvature ductility index is reliable and effective .

  30. 由于指甲中间层中纤维的特殊排布取向,指甲横截面的摩擦系数表现出各向异性。

    Owing to the special orientation of filament in the intermediate layer of fingernails , the friction on the cross section of fingernail shows an anisotropic behavior .