
  • 网络parallel bedding;evenly bedding
  1. 具丘状、洼状交错层理或平行层理的砂岩;

    B. sandstone with hummocky or sunken cross bedding and parallel bedding ;

  2. 并见有水平层理、平行层理、沙纹层理、板状交错层理等层理构造;

    The bedding structures include horizontal bedding , parallel bedding , ripple bedding and tabular cross-bedding .

  3. 在MTS伺服压机上对不同饱和状态的砂岩、大理岩标本进行了垂直层理和平行层理两个方向的正弦波加载试验,研究了饱和岩石的各向异性及非线性黏弹性行为。

    Low-frequency uniaxial stress cycling tests were conducted on sandstone and marble in different saturation condition to find the possible anisotropic and nonlinear behavior .

  4. 平行层理砂岩相;

    Evenly bedding sandstone facies ;

  5. 沉积构造总的来说较少见,以水平层理和平行层理最为发育,其次为波痕和透镜体等。

    Horizontal bedding and parallel bedding are the main sedimentary structures , and ripple and lenticular body are fewer .

  6. 辫状河三角洲层理类型丰富,常见侧积交错层理和平行层理等。

    The bedding type of braided river delta is abundance , and the lateral accretion cross-bedding and parallel bedding are common .

  7. 发育反映急水流的大型块状层理、平行层理和交错层理;

    The large scale block bedding , parallel bedding and cross bedding that are formed in upper flow regime were well developed ;

  8. 粒序层理、块状层理、平行层理、交错层理、波状层理十分发育;

    Depositional beddings such as graded bedding , massive bedding , parallel bedding , cross-bedding and wave bedding , are well developed ;

  9. 沉积构造以块状层理、大型槽状交错层理和斜层理为主,见平行层理、波状层理和极少量的水平层理。

    Sedimentary structures are mainly massive bedding , large trough cross bedding and oblique bedding with few parallel bedding , wave bedding and horizotal bedding ;

  10. 浊积扇相以发育槽模、正粒序、爬升波纹层理、包卷层理、双向交错层理、透镜状层理、平行层理为特征。

    The turbidite fan facies is characterized by flute cast , normal-graded bedding , climbing ripple lamination , convoluted lamination , bidirectional cross bedding , lenticular bedding and parallel bedding .

  11. 砂岩层理发育丰富,主要有交错层理、水平层理、平行层理、冲刷面和植物茎叶化石等。

    The beddings of sandstones developed in varied ways , among which cross bedding , horizontal bedding , parallel bedding , bed scour and fossils of plant stems and leaves took the majority .

  12. 末端扇具有不同于其它沉积相类型的沉积构造,平行层理是其中最典型的标志,河道冲刷面之上常直接发育平行层理,砂体中富含泥质条带。

    The sedimentary structures in Terminal fan are different from other types . Parallel bedding which is the most special trademark often occurs on the channel erosion surface and mud-stripe are abundant in sandstone .

  13. 研究表明双向约束石灰岩和砂岩膨胀应力的变化呈现各向异性特征,垂直层理方向的膨胀应力大于平行层理方向的膨胀应力。

    The research shows the expansion stresses of limestone and sandstone on the condition of bi-directional restraints present anisotropy . The expansion stress perpendicular to bedding plane is bigger than that parallel to bedding plane .

  14. 在平行层理和垂直层理两个方向上,岩石的声波速度、频谱特征具有较大的差别,从而反映出层理岩石在不同方向上物理力学性质的差异。

    In parallel to bedding and vertical stratification directions , the longitudinal speed , the spectrum characteristics are very different , which reflects the stratification of rock in different directions on different physical and mechanical properties .

  15. 该带的风暴沉积与正常的潮滩沉积比较,具有粒度较粗,分选较差,磨圆稍好,递变现象明显,平行层理或波状交错层理发育比较典型的特征。

    Compared with the normal tidal flat sedimentation , the storm sedimentation has the characteristics of coarse particle , bad sorting , relatively high roundness , obviously graded bedding , typical parallel bedding , cross bedding .

  16. 在横剖面上,侧积交错层理表现十分明显;在纵剖面上,平行层理、交错层理表现较明显,三角洲的三层结构特征明显。

    On the cross section , lateral accretion cross-bedding is very obvious ; on the longitudinal section , parallel bedding and cross bedding are relatively obvious , while the characteristics of the delta three-tier structure are obvious .

  17. 结果该套浊积岩岩性同围岩类似,块状层理、平行层理、交错层理和包卷构造较发育;澳大利亚类似雉鸡的鸟;雄鸟尾羽很长,在交配季节展开呈里拉琴状。

    Results It shows that lithology of turbidite is similar with that of wallrocks . Blocky bedding , parallel bedding , cross-bedding and convolute structure are better developed in this area . Australian bird that resembles a pheasant ; the courting male displays long tail feathers in a lyre shape .

  18. 垂直于层理方向上的渗透系数大于平行于层理方向上的渗透系数。

    The permeability coefficient on the direction vertical to the bedding plane is similar to that on the direction parallel to the bedding plane .

  19. 以发育中、小型水平、平行、波状等层理和泥裂为主。

    Small or medium size of horizontal , parallel and wave bedding and mud cracks developed in the bayou .