
  • 网络flat belt;Flat band
  1. 通过几何投影法优化,得到一种平带光子晶体波导结构,其TM模的最小群速度能减小到c/2335,且群速度色散很小。

    After optimization by geometry projection method , a flat band photonic crystal waveguide is achieved with the minimum group velocity around c / 2335and very small group velocity dispersion for TM mode .

  2. 利用高频CV测量得到MIS结构的平带电压,根据陷阱与平带电压偏移量之间的关系,得到陷阱在绝缘膜中的分布。

    Get the flat band voltage of the MIS structure by using high frequency CV measurement , get the trap distribution in the insulator film by calculate the relation between traps location and the flat band voltage offset .

  3. MIS电容器的平带电容的计算

    Computation of flat-band capacitance CFB of MIS capacitor

  4. V带传动当量摩擦系数体现了V带较平带具有更高的承载能力。

    The V-belt equivalent coefficient of friction indicates that the bearing capacity of Vbelt is higher than that of flat belt .

  5. 氧等离子体处理条件对聚硅烷制备SiO2/Si结构平带电压的影响

    Influence of treatments on the flat-band voltage of SiO_2 / Si structure from polysilane by O_2-plasma

  6. 即有平带的柔软、强劲的特点,又、有V带紧凑、高效等优点。本公司生产各种型号橡胶多楔带,具有耐磨、耐高低问、性能好、使用寿命长等优点。

    All kinds of ribbed rubber belts produced in our factory , have the advantages of wearability , resistance to high or low temperature and long length of life .

  7. 实验结果说明辐照感生界面态在MOS电容的平带电压漂移中起重要作用。

    The experimental results indicate that radiation induced interface states play an important role in flatband voltage shift of MOS capacitors .

  8. 最后,得到了SiCMOS空间电荷区的电势分布、适用于高低频的理想C-V曲线和SiCMOS的平带电容公式。

    Based on these , potential distribution in SCR , ideal high / low-frequency C-V curves and flatband-voltage equation for SiC MOS capacitors are obtained .

  9. 作为算例,计算了金属光子晶体TM模和TE模的能带结构,证实其TE模的能带结构中存在超平带。

    As a case , we calculate 2D metallic photonic crystals ' band structures of TM mode and TE mode , and approve that there are plasmon bands for TE mode .

  10. 与挤压式V带无级变速方式相比,它可以增大调速范围,减轻对带的磨损,而且对于平带该结构同样适用。

    Compared with the extruding type of stepless speed changing with V-belt , the new one can increase the range of the changed speed and reduce the belt wear , and can be used for flat belt drive .

  11. 其次,给出了一种利用平带电容提取高k介质EOT的方法,该方法能克服量子效应所产生的反型层或积累层电容的影响。

    Second , an approach using flat-band capacitance is demonstrated for extracting the EOT of a high k dielectric , without the effects of inversion or accumulation capacitance .

  12. 溶液pH值的改变可以显著影响膜的平带电位EFB,两者间呈线性关系,拟和斜率为60.43。

    The flat-band potential (φ _ FB ) is significantly influenced by the pH value of the solution , they have a linear relationship with a slope of 60.43 .

  13. 研究表明:紫外辐照使MIS器件的氧化膜/碲镉汞界面固定电荷减少,表面由强积累向平带变化;

    It is shown that . the ultraviolet irradiation reduced the interface charge density of the anodic oxide - HgCdTe interfaces , thus the energy band is changed from strong accumulation to the near flat - band condition .

  14. 指出热载流子效应引起载流子陷落和界面态的产生,导致C&V特性曲线畸变、平带电压漂移和恒定电压下SiO2漏电流随时间漂移。

    The trapped charges and generated interface states caused by hot carrier effect lead to curve distortion of C-V characteristics , flatband voltage shift and SiO2 leakage current shift with time under constant voltage .

  15. 其平带电位为-0.30V(SCE),禁带宽度为2.1eV。

    Its fiat band potential lies at -0.30V ( SCE ) and bandgap value is 1.geV .

  16. 用CV技术测量其MOS结构平带电压,结果表明平带电压随氧等离子体处理时间、反应室气压和射频功率等条件的改变而变化。

    The flat-band voltage was measured by the conventional MOS capacitance method . The results show that the flat-band voltage was dependent on the conditions of O 2 plasma such as reactant pressure , treatment time , and power .

  17. 并探讨了在该体系中,由于表面活性剂的阴离子与S~(2-)在单晶CdS电极表面上的竞争吸附,而引起单晶CdS电极的平带电位正移。

    It is approached that the flatband potential of CdS single crystal electrode is shifted toward positive direction , which is due to competitive adsorption of anion of surfactant and S2 - of the system on the surface of CdS single crystal electrode .

  18. 测量了GDa-Si:H/n-c-Si异质结的高频C-V特性,由平带电压的偏移,计算了有效表面电荷和表面态密度,应用突变异质结能带模型对结果作了分析。

    The high frequency C-V characteristics of GD a-Si : H / n-c-Si heterojunctions are measured . The effective surface charge and effective surface state density are also determined from flat-band voltage . The experiment results are analyzed by abrupt heterojunction energy band model .

  19. 实验证明,该阳极氧化膜是一种n-型半导体,其平带电位Efb和施主密度ND分别为-0.53V(VS.SCE)和2.86×1018cm-3。

    The experimental results showed that the film is an n - type semiconductor . the flat & band potential of the film is - 0.53V , while the donor density is 2.86 × 10cm - 3 .

  20. 一类平带驱动系统非线性振动的幅频特性

    Amplitude-frequency characteristics of nonlinear vibration of a serpentine belt drive system

  21. n&InP半导体电极平带电位的研究

    A study of the flat - band potential of n-InP semiconductor electrode

  22. 随着扫描速率的增加,平带电压的漂移和存储电荷也减小。

    They also decrease when the voltage scan velocity degrades .

  23. 平带驱动系统的振动分析研究进展

    Advance in analysis of vibrations of serpentine belt drive systems

  24. 电子束辐照对Poly-SiO2/Si结构平带电压的影响

    The Flat-band Voltage of Poly-SiO_2 / Si Structure Affected by Electron Irradiation

  25. 交互式平带传动专家系统设计

    Design of flat-belt transmission expert system based on redesigning

  26. 重点推荐了复合平带和同步带。

    Modern flat belts ( laminated belts ) and synchronous belts are recommended .

  27. GB/T6761-1986平带全厚度拉伸强度和伸长率测定方法

    Flat transmission belting & Test method of full thickness tensile strength and elongation

  28. 平带传动系统自问世以来就受到广泛关注。

    The serpentine belt drive system since has been published receives the widespread attention .

  29. 高强度平带在丝绸工业上的应用

    Application of Hi-strength Flat Belt in Silk Industry

  30. 基于再设计的平带传动专家系统设计

    An Expert System for Flat-Belt Transmission Design