
  1. 本文介绍了平果铝业公司CIMS的系统结构、网络结构、软件结构、关键技术等一系列技术问题。

    In this paper , we discuss a series of technique problems on system structure , network structure , software structure and key techniques on PGL-CIMS .

  2. 铝矿均化库是平果铝业公司氧化铝厂原料准备区的重要工段之一,跨度44m,全长306m。

    Bauxite homogenizing storage is an important section in material preparation area at the aluminium refinery . The span of the storage is 44 meters with a total length of 306 meters .

  3. 平果铝业公司铝电解系统的节能改造

    Energy saving reconstruction of Pingguo Aluminium Company aluminium electrolytic system

  4. 平果铝业公司设备管理信息系统的开发

    Development of PingGuo Aluminum Company Plant Management Information System

  5. 平果铝业公司氧化铝高压溶出技术系从国外引进,一年多的试生产证明,这套技术的引进是成功的。

    The high pressure digestion technology for Pingguo Alumina Refinery was imported from abroad .

  6. 现代集成制造系统在平果铝业公司的应用

    Application of Modern PGL-CIMS in Pingguo Aluminum Co

  7. 本文阐述了平果铝业公司热电厂利用氧化铝厂蒸发冷凝水所取得的经济效益。

    This paper explained on application of evaporated condensed water from alumina plant to gain economic benefits .

  8. 从国内外铝工业现状谈平果铝业公司的发展方向

    Discussion of development direction of Pingguo Aluminum Company based on the present situation of domestic and foreign aluminum industries

  9. 介绍以广西平果铝业公司氧化铝厂赤泥为主要原料制备硫化氢气体吸附剂的工艺及吸附性能。

    The preparation technology and adsorption property of H2S adsorbent with red mud from Guangxi Pingguo Aluminum Corporation are described .

  10. 物资消耗与工资总额挂钩浮动理论初探&略论平果铝业公司降低物资消耗对策

    DISCUSSION THE FLOAT-CONCERNED THEORY ABOUT ENTERPRISE 'S CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS AND TOTAL WAGES ── About Pingguo Aluminum Industry Corporation 's Countermeasure of Reduce Consumption of Materials

  11. 广西平果铝业公司具有先进工艺技术和装备水平,是我国有色金属行业走向世界的重要基地。

    Guangxi Pingguo Aluminum Company possesses advanced technology and equipment and is an important tase for China 's nonferrous metal industry to get into the world market .

  12. 本文介绍平果铝业公司电解铝厂通过加强管理稳定生产及强化技术改造取得的显著节能效果和经济效益。

    On the basis of reinforced management , stabilized production and streng thened technical reconstruction , Pingguo aluminium company has been obtained remarkable effect of energy saving and economic benefits .

  13. 本文以广西平果铝业公司的在线监测设备(关键设备)和点检设备(重要设备)为对象,研究了企业设备状态维修的实施技术和理论。

    This paper investigated implement technology and theory about corporations ' condition maintenance of equipment , which is based on the studying of on-line inspection equipments ( key equipments ) and spot inspection equipments ( important equipments ) at the PingGuo Aluminum Corporation in GuangXi .