
  • 网络narcissus
  1. 有关那喀索斯的神话故事在奥维德的作品中有过描述。

    The myth of Narcissus is described in Ovid 's work

  2. 论文的第一章描述了因爱恋自己在水中的影子而憔悴致死的美少年那喀索斯的故事,并深入阐述了自恋领域权威OttoKernberg的理论。

    Chapter One of the thesis presents Ovid 's story of Narcissus and illustrates Otto Kernberg 's theory of narcissism in detail .

  3. 它不是把维纳斯比作顾影自怜的那喀索斯(Narcissus),淹死在自己的照片流里,而是在表现这些照片像会计师的电子表格一样引人入胜,值得赞扬,寓意丰富。

    It does not so much suggest Venus as Narcissus , drowning in his Photo Stream . And it is about as engrossing , and as meritorious , as the accountant 's spreadsheet it is enriching .

  4. 还记得希腊神话中的那喀索斯么,他爱上了自己在水中的倒影。

    You remember the Greek myth of Narcissus , who fell in love with his own image .

  5. 那喀索斯,人称风度翩翩美少年,惟心性高傲锱铢必较蔑视一切,令人不堪。

    Narcissus is said to have been a young man of wonderful beauty , but intolerably proud , fastidious , and disdainful .

  6. 那喀索斯一个青年由于对水池中自己形象的眷恋而死去,变成一种以他的名字命名的花朵。

    A youth who pined away in love for his own image in a pool of water and was transformed into the flower that bears his name .

  7. 俄耳浦斯和那喀索斯是古希腊神话中为人们所熟知的英雄人物,马尔库塞在其著作《爱欲与文明》第八章中重点谈论了这两个神话形象,并赋予他们以新的文化寓意和美学内涵。

    Orpheus and Narcissus , as well-known heroes in ancient Greek mythology depicted in the 8th Chapter of Marcuse 's famous work Eros and Civilization , were endowed with new meanings in aesthetics and culture .