
  • 网络gastrointestinal neoplasms;gastrointestinal cancer
  1. 方法选取129例胃肠肿瘤术后病人随机分成两组,并给予肠外营养(PN)或PN+肠内营养(EN)进行营养支持。

    Methods One hundred and twenty-nine postoperative patients with gastrointestinal neoplasms were randomly assigned to receive parenteral nutrition ( PN ) or PN plus enteral nutrition ( EN ) .

  2. 超声造影在胃肠肿瘤良恶性鉴别诊断中的初步临床应用

    Clinical application of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in differential diagnosis of malignant and benign gastrointestinal neoplasms

  3. YAG激光宝石刀切除胃肠肿瘤的护理

    Nursing Care of the Patients with Gastrointestinal Tumor Removed with YAG Diamond Laser Scalpel

  4. 结论cyclin蛋白在胃肠肿瘤的发生、发展中起重要作用。

    Conclusion Cyclin protein might play an important role in the occurrence and development of gastrointestinal carcinoma .

  5. 胃肠肿瘤术后TuM2-PK含量的变化

    Changes of Plasma M_2-PK Concentration in Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients After the Operation

  6. 胃肠肿瘤中H-ras癌基因第十二位密码子点突变的研究

    Detection of Point Mutations at Codon 12 of H-ras Oncogene From Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers

  7. 目的:探讨FHIT基因与胃肠肿瘤的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate the relationship between FHIT gene and gastrointestinal cancers .

  8. 目的检测阻抑素(PHB)在胃肠癌中的表达情况,探讨PHB对胃肠肿瘤诊断的价值。

    Objective To detect the expression of prohibitin ( PHB ) in gastrointestinal cancer tissue and investigate if PHB could be potential tumor marker .

  9. CA19-9在胃肠肿瘤组织中的测定及其意义

    The value of measurement of carbohydrate antigen 1 9 9 in human gastric and colorectal carcinoma

  10. 目的探讨体外化疗药敏试验系统(ATP-TCA系统)联合流式细胞仪(FCM)在胃肠肿瘤化疗中的应用。

    Objective To investigate the application of in vitro ATP tumor chemosensitivity assay ( ATP TCA ) and flow cytometry ( FCM ) in the chemotherapy of gastrointestinal carcinoma .

  11. 胃肠肿瘤自体荧光诊断及物质来源的研究进展

    Reviews of Gastrointestinal Auto - fluorescence and Its Origin in Neoplasms Diagnosis

  12. 胃肠肿瘤组织中纤溶酶原激活剂的测定及其价值

    The value of measuring plasminogen activator sin human gastric and

  13. 腹腔镜与开腹胃肠肿瘤手术对血凝状态影响的对比研究

    Comparative Analysis of Laparoscopic and Open Gastrointestinal Tumors Surgery for Coagulation Status

  14. 第一代喉罩在胃肠肿瘤手术中的应用

    The Application of the First-generation Laryngeal Mask Airway during Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery

  15. 胃肠肿瘤过度治疗的成因与对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures of " Overtreatment " in Gastric-intestinal Carcinoma

  16. Nd:YAG激光宝石刀头在胃肠肿瘤切除中的应用

    Application of SLT Contact Nd : YAG Laser in Excision of Gastrocolic Tumor

  17. 胃肠肿瘤持续化疗病人的临床观察及护理

    Clinical observation and nursing care of patients with gastrointestinal tumor undergoing continuous chemotherapy

  18. 人参皂苷对胃肠肿瘤敏感性测定的实验研究

    An experimental study of ginsenoside sensitivity to gastrointestinal tumor

  19. 超声对胃肠肿瘤离体标本的研究

    Sonographic Studies For Gastrointestinal Tumor Specimen In Vitro

  20. 结论:连黛胶囊治疗胃肠肿瘤热毒(湿热)证有显著疗效。

    Conclusion : LC is markedly effective for gastrointestinal tumor of toxic heat type .

  21. 目的检测胃肠肿瘤组织支原体的感染,探讨支原体感染与胃肠肿瘤发生的相关性。

    Objective To explore the association between the carcinoma and mycoplasma infection by immunohistochemistry .

  22. 奥沙利铂致25例胃肠肿瘤患者过敏反应分析

    The Analysis of Oxaliplatin-induced Hypersensitivity Reaction in the 25 Cases of Gastrointestinal Tumor Patients

  23. 胃肠肿瘤骨髓微转移研究进展

    Bone marrow micrometastasis of gastrointestinal tumor

  24. 老年糖尿病患者胃肠肿瘤术后早期肠内营养与血糖调控

    Postoperative early enteral nutrition in elderly patients with gastrointestinal tumors and diabetes and blood glucose control

  25. 双路化疗与静脉化疗治疗晚期胃肠肿瘤疗效分析

    Therapeutic Effect Comparison between Two Route Chemotherapy and Intravenous Chemotherapy for Advanced Gastric and Colorectal Carcinoma

  26. 谷氨酰胺预防胃肠肿瘤术后化疗致肠道损伤的临床研究

    A Clinical Research of Glutamine Preventing Intestinal Injury Induced by Chemotherapy in Postoperative Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer

  27. 静脉联合腹腔化疗治疗晚期胃肠肿瘤87例临床分析

    Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Combined with Intravenous Chemotherapy in the Treatment of 87 Patients with Advanced Gastric and Colorectal Carcinomas

  28. 草酸铂联合替加氟及甲酰四氢叶酸钙治疗胃肠肿瘤的疗效观察

    Observation of curative effect of OXA united with Tegafur and Calcium Leucovorin for curing gastric and intestinal cancer

  29. 低渗热灌注腹腔化疗治疗胃肠肿瘤恶性腹水的临床研究

    Clinical study on therapy of malignant ascites from gastrointestinal tumors by intraperitoneal chemotherapy through hyperthermal and hypotonic liquid perfusion

  30. 目的总结肝硬化门静脉高压症合并胃肠肿瘤患者围手术期处理经验。

    Objective To sum up the experience in the peri-operative management of gastrointestinal tumor with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension .