
  1. 在相同条件下,春季造林成活率略低于梅雨季节造林,但是春季造林比梅季造林有利于发笋长竹,提早成林,黄甜竹适宜春季造林。

    Under the same condition , plantation at plum rain period was better than at spring , but plantation at spring was favorable for shooting and formation .

  2. 未整地秋季埋根造林比翌年春季植干造林成活率提高9.3个百分点;

    Planting by root in autumn improves 9.3 % more than that of planting by stem under non-preparation soil .

  3. 春季和雨季半截造林成活率分别比对照提高25.1%和17.7%;深栽10cm可提高成活率28.5%;

    The silviculture survival rate can be increased by 25.1 % and 17.7 % respectively than the contrast by cutting in spring and rainy season , increased by 28.5 % by deep cultivating ( 10m );