
lù lù
  • land route
陆路 [lù lù]
  • [land route] 陆地上的交通道路

陆路[lù lù]
  1. 陆路从长安开始,向西穿过沙漠,翻越大山,经过中亚和西亚的一些国家,最后到达欧洲。

    The land route started from Chang'an , going west across deserts and over mountains through certain central and western Asian countries and finally reaching Europe .

  2. 在这部分中本文从陆路和海路贩运及集市情况两个方面进行阐释。

    In this part of this article traffics and the rural fair situation two aspects from the land route and the sea route carries on the explanation .

  3. 虽然乘飞机会便宜些,我们还是走了陆路。

    We made the journey by land , though flying would have been cheaper .

  4. 唯一的陆路通道是一条蜿蜒的山道。

    The only road access is a tortuous mountain route .

  5. 他们终究还是决定从陆路走。

    They decided to go by the overland route after all .

  6. 基于SOA架构的陆路口岸物流园区信息化建设

    Building of information platform of inland port logistics distribution based on SOA

  7. 第7项是,如果从陆路进入美国,在空格处填写“LAND”

    " Item 7 . If you entered the United States by land , enter " LAND " in this space . "

  8. 2006年,陆路交通管理局测试了一套由IBM公司制造的用于设置收费额的交通预测系统。

    In2006 the Land Transport Authority tested a traffic-prediction system built by IBM to set the tolls .

  9. 另外还有雄心勃勃的新丝绸之路(NewSilkRoad)计划,目标是通过陆路和海路加强中国与亚洲乃至更遥远地区的连通性。

    There is also then the ambitious New Silk Road project , which aims to generate greater connectivity between Asia and beyond – by land and by sea .

  10. 马来西亚陆路公共交通委员会(PublicLandTransportCommission)首席执行官阿扎鲁丁(MohdAzharuddinMatSah)否认此笔土地出让会让中国在高铁竞标中获得优势。

    Mohd Azharuddin Mat Sah , head of Malaysia 's Public Land Transport Commission , denies the land sale gives China an advantage in the race .

  11. 陆路可以直接坐北京的T5,遗憾的是只有周一和周五的才是到河内的。

    The train T5 from Beijing station can carry you to Hanoi only in Monday and Friday .

  12. 联邦快递、UPS快递和美国邮政本周三表示,其航空运输中将不允许运输Note7手机,对于陆路何时能运输这款手机也将有严格限制。

    FedEx , UPS and the US Postal Service said Wednesday that the phones will not be allowed on their planes and there will be tight restrictions on when their trucks will be allowed to carry the phones .

  13. 陆路交通管理局(LTA)是下属于交通部的法定管理部门,负责领导新加坡的陆路交通建设。

    The Land Transport Authority is a statutory board under the Ministry of Transport that spearheads land transport developments in Singapore .

  14. 在OD调查的基础上,运用过江路径成本-时间分析法研究了陆路通道建成后对陆岛水上客流量的分流影响;

    Secondly , on the basis of OD investigation , it applies the route cost-time model to analyze the shunt influence of the passenger flow caused by the land passage after it is completed .

  15. 你应该牢记陆路运输管理局(LTA)严格控制的设计和规格这些售后头灯。

    You should bear in mind that the Land Transport Authority ( LTA ) has stringent controls over the design and specifications of these aftermarket headlights .

  16. 我宁愿他们从陆路来,而不从水路来。

    I 'd rather they came by land than by water .

  17. 帕格尼斯说,目前没有计划在未来派遣更多的陆路车队。

    Pagonis says there are no plans for future land convoys .

  18. 走陆路比坐飞机需要的时间长得多。

    To travel by land takes much longer than by air .

  19. 近代江西陆路交通的发展和社会变迁研究

    Study on the Land-transport Development and Social Change in Modern Jiangxi

  20. 你可以由陆路或水路去。

    You may go by land or ( by ) water .

  21. 论陆路口岸在我国东北部经济发展中的作用

    On the role of land ports in economic development in northeastern China

  22. 在陆路上赶一群动物。

    The act of driving a herd of animals overland .

  23. 陆路与海外贸易的发展,促进了交通事业的发展。

    The increasing transaction sped up the development of traffic .

  24. 增加港口、机场和陆路口岸的公共卫生安全

    Increase public health security at ports airports and ground crossings

  25. 陆路交通事故中颅脑损伤1028例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 1028 cases of brain injury induced by traffic accidents

  26. 印度陆路交通运输业的改革与发展

    Transformation and Development of Land Communications and Transportation of India

  27. 第三部分,对这一时期中西陆路贸易繁荣的原因、作用及特点进行了论述。

    The third part discusses causes , effects and characteristics .

  28. 她没说要从陆路返回的事情?

    She didn 't say anything about returning by road ?

  29. 不久我又准备回家&是经陆路。

    Soon I was ready to go home again & by land .

  30. 海路和陆路将继续发挥重要的功能。

    Seaways and landway would continue to fulfil vital functions .