
  • 网络International Freight;International shipping;international freight forwarding agent
  1. 我相信,通过本届年会,各国各地区国际货运代理企业将找到新的发展机遇,获得更大收益。

    I believe that through this annual meeting , the international shipping agency enterprises of all nations and regions will find out the new opportunity for development and obtain the larger income .

  2. 如何使国际货运代理企业在新的竞争环境中,提高竞争实力,实现向现代物流企业的转化是众多国际货运代理企业当前面临的重大战略课题。

    How to make the international freight forward agent improve their competition strength in the new environment , and achieve a transformation to be a modern logistics enterprises ? This is a great strategic subject that most international shipping agency enterprises are facing .

  3. 本文在架构于Web技术的国际货运代理系统中引入了Agent代理技术和分布式构件技术。

    This dissertation import Agent and distributed component technology to International Freight Forwarder System based on Web technology .

  4. 最后,针对传统的C/S二层结构及B/S三层结构模式中存在的不足,提出了B/S架构基于分布式COM构件技术的国际货运代理系统的四层体系结构;

    Finally , aiming at eliminating the deficiency of traditional C / S two-layer structure mode and B / S three-layer structure mode , a four-layer system structure of IFFS based on distributed COM component technology is proposed .

  5. 但丹东天达国际货运代理有限公司(dandongtiandainternationalfreightandforwardingcompany)的富雪表示,车皮的归还几经拖延,但朝鲜曾请求中国方面予以批准。

    But Fu Xue , of the Dandong Tianda international freight and forwarding company , said there had been delays in the return of wagons but that North Korea had asked for permission from China .

  6. 对上述规划的各子系统:报关业务管理子系统、基于GPS的运输管理子系统、仓储管理子系统、国际货运代理子系统等进行了功能、业务流程和数据流程分析。

    According to the proposal , the paper plans many subsystems , there are : customs reporting management subsystems , transportation management subsystems based on GPS , warehouse management subsystem , international freight forwarder subsystem . The paper also analyzes the function , business processing and data processing .

  7. GRL国际货运作为国际货运公司,是国际贸易的下游公司,是为国际货物运输服务的。

    GRL as an international freight international freight companies , downstream companies in international trade , for international cargo transport services .

  8. 1999年下半年四川中远国际货运有限公司物流中心(COSCOLOGISTICS以下简称‘中远物流’)成立,作为整个中远物流体系的末端,定位于为中小企业提供专业第三方物流服务。

    In the second half of 1999 , China Ocean Sichuan Corporation ( COSCO LOGISTICS in brief ) was founded . As the terminal of the whole " China Ocean " logistics system , it focuses on providing professional third party service for small and medium-sized enterprises .

  9. 其次,本文通过市场营销相关理论具体分析GRL国际货运的海外营销战略和营销组合策略,努力为其找到可持续发展的海外营销模式。

    Second , the theory of this paper , a detailed analysis of marketing GRL international freight overseas marketing strategy and marketing mix strategy , strive to find sustainable development of its overseas marketing .

  10. 关于我国国际货运代理人才队伍建设的思考

    The Thinking on Building Talent team of China International Freight Agency

  11. 国际货运代理人民事法律地位探析

    Study on the Civil Legal Status of the International Freight Agent

  12. 加快国际货运代理企业向第三方物流转型

    Accelerating the Transition of International Freight Forwarder to Third-Party Logistics Operator

  13. 国际货运代理业的现状及中国货代企业的发展方向

    Present Situation and Development of China Int Cargo Agent Sector

  14. 对我国国际货运代理法律问题的思考

    On Legal Problems in the Field of International Forwarding Agency

  15. 我国国际货运代理业的发展与完善

    The Development and Perfection of International Freight Agency in China

  16. 中国将于2007年公布最终修订的国际货运代理管理办法。

    China will publish revised implementing regulations on international freight forwarding in2007 .

  17. 国际货运代理及其责任保险的法律问题

    The Law Problem of the International Freight Forwarder and its Liability Insurance

  18. 发展与边缘化中的我国民航国际货运

    International Air Cargo Transport of Chinese Airlines Develops Too Slowly

  19. 国际货运代理人执行美国航线服务合同的若干法律问题

    Relate Legal Issues in the Service Contract of Sino-American Line

  20. 中国国际货运企业向第三方物流企业转型的问题研究

    The Research of International Forwarder Transformed to Third Party Logistics

  21. 国际货运代理业务模拟实验系统的研究

    Research of the International Forwarding Agent Business Simulation Test System

  22. 国际货运代理的完全法律责任保险

    Full Legal Liability Insurance Cover of an International Freight Forwarder

  23. 承保国际货运代理责任险的机构

    Insurance Companies Undertaking Liability Insurance of International Freight Forwarders

  24. 基于构件的用户自定义报表设计器在国际货运代理系统中的应用研究

    Research and Application of the Component-based User-defined Report Designer

  25. 对国际货运代理公司承担承运人责任的几点思考外商投资国际货运代理企业审批办法

    Examination and Approval Measures for International Freight Forwarder Enterprise Invested by Foreign Businessman

  26. 在空运方面,香港的国际货运量,居全球首位。

    In terms of international air cargo throughput , Hong Kong leads the world .

  27. 入世后我国国际货运代理业的发展方向

    The Future Development Orientations for China 's International Freight Forwarding Business after WTO Entry

  28. 国际货运代理的除外责任

    Exemption of Liability of an International Freight Forwarder

  29. 第五章利用历史数据对我国国际货运代理市场集装箱吞吐量进行了预测。

    Chapter five is the quantitative analyses of cargo source in forwarding agent market .

  30. 中小型国际货运代理企业金融危机下的思考

    The small and medium-sized International Cargo Agent companies At the financial crisis under consider