
  1. 我国国防资产产权制度改革的目标模式

    The goal model of national defense property right system reform

  2. 中国国防资产的技术水平相对于西方仍存在一定差距。

    Its defence assets are still some way from being at the technical level of those of the West .

  3. 论国防无形资产保护

    A research of the protecting of national defence intangible assets

  4. 另外,从另一方面,也以实例来说明如何对一个光学行业的国防固定资产投资项目进行规划与管理。

    On the other hand , it has proved how to plan and management the National Defense fixed assets investment projects of optical industry by some examples .

  5. 通过对比验证,证明论文研究的固定资产投资项目规划与管理方法能对光学行业的国防固定资产投资项目起到有效地指导作用。

    It proved that plan and management method of fixed assets investment project in this paper has played an important role on fixed-asset investment projects for National Defense optical industry .

  6. 国防科技工业资产指国防工业部门和国防科技部门管理和使用的资产。

    Research on personnel training of Independent Innovation of Defence Science & Technology Industry ;

  7. 国防工业国有资产管理研究

    State-owaned assets in management defence industry

  8. 负责编制国防科技工业固定资产投资、军转民技术改造及技术开发的规划、计划并组织实施;

    Drawing up plans for investment in fixed assets in respect of defense-related science , technology and industry , and for technical transformation and development of defense conversion technologies , and organizing the implementation of such plans ;

  9. 中央军事委员会批准武装力量的武器装备体制和武器装备发展规划、计划,协同国务院领导和管理国防科研生产,会同国务院管理国防经费和国防资产。

    The CMC approves the military equipment system of the armed forces and military equipment development plans and programs , leads and administrates defense research and production in coordination with the state council , and manages defense outlays and assets jointly with the state council .

  10. 国防军工光学制造行业是高新技术和先进管理模式的汇聚,其国防固定资产投资项目的规划与管理方法必须将先进光学工程技术和先进管理技术有机结合,才能对其进行有效的指导。

    National Defense military optics manufacturing industry is the convergence of high technology and advanced management mode , plan and management methods on fixed asset investment projects must combine the advanced optical engineering technology with advanced management techniques to carry out effective guidance .